Choice Net: Establishing an Economy Plane for Rapid Deployment in the Internet Infrastructure - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  719 Words
Date:  2023-04-04


hoice Net aims to enable varieties and related economic relationships existing within objects in a given networked infrastructure. According to Wolf et al. (2014), the internet is the main building block for the many services and distributed applications in technology. Despite this, the establishment of services and protocols within the internet infrastructure requires rapid deployment to enable for utmost benefits. The paper attempts to establish an "economy plane" that provides newly established network-based services such as storage and QoS for clients. Wolf et al. (2014) contended that the categorical link existing between network services and the economy across a given period allows clients to choose between service options. Through this, the subsequent competition between the service providers would result in competitive pricing and enhanced technological resolutions.

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The Problems

The main problem is the sluggish deployment of services and protocols within the internet infrastructure, mostly in situations in which economic enticements are vague. The resulting challenge is creating limited choices and related economic relations among various entities within the internet infrastructure. Wolf et al. (2014) argue that no one provider has a monopoly on the internet's end-to-end paths. The providers' decision to focus on generating money inhibits the flow of traffic. At the time of publication, the problem was imminent and directly affected internet and network infrastructure, unlike modern-day support that has a robust and uncomplicated framework.

Main Ideas

The project seeks to come up with an "economy plane" with the focus of providing strategic network-based services such as storage and QoS (Wolf et al., 2014). There is a need to develop an alternative solution due to the sluggish deployment of services and protocols within the internet infrastructure. Choicenet will focus on offering its users the capability to choose from multiple options from various sets and put them together to establish a foundation of numerous services. Through this, they will be in a position to understand the distinct differences trapped in the present-day internet infrastructure. The most important aspect of the resulting framework is the capability to provide services and establish a strategy to dissolve business entities within a given time-frame (Wolf et al., 2014). ChoiceNet will thus permit for the clients and providers to authenticate that the binding service/agreement was as pledged.

Major Strengths

The project can identify the significant drawbacks of the present internet infrastructure with only a single provider in control. The inclusion and established relationship between economic incentives and internet infrastructure are also commendable as it offers a glimpse into the role of the economy in internet service provision (Wolf et al., 2014). ChoiceNet economy plane is also strategic as it creates a level playing field for all service providers and also allows users to choose from various offers, combining them to have multiple services. Through this, the project succeeds in separating services presently intertwined. However, completion of this project was only possible at the time of publication due to the simple networking framework. Currently, the proposal may not fit with the modern concept of internet infrastructure.

Major Weaknesses

ChoiceNet's economy plane will require a technological overhaul that will significantly change the relationship between service providers and consumers. At the same time, the proposed network infrastructure is not varied to support various layers of network that will help in offering numerous choices.

Positive Improvement

ChoiceNet should consider how to establish a detailed economic model that will resonate with its proposed commercial relationships. The project should also detail how to add value to the various recommended packages; it will avail its service providers and customers. As it is the proposal is inexplicit how it is going to combine its numerous packages within its network infrastructure. Although diversity will achieve its goal of providing multiple choices within its network layer, doing so may complicate how it will manage its infrastructure while at the same time reselling to providers and clients (Wolf et al., 2014). Acting as a provider and customer at the same time may complicate the project's primary focus. It should instead focus more on service provision to concentrate on adding value to its services and enhancing its infrastructure.


Wolf, T., Griffioen, J., Calvert, K., Dutta, R., Rouskas, G., Baldin, I., & Nagurney, A. (2014). ChoiceNet: Toward an economy plane for the internet. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 44(3), 58-65. Retrieved from

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Choice Net: Establishing an Economy Plane for Rapid Deployment in the Internet Infrastructure - Essay Sample. (2023, Apr 04). Retrieved from

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