Border Conflict Between China and Japan Paper Example

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  555 Words
Date:  2022-11-20

Introduction (overview and background)

China and Japan have for a long time been conflicting over borders and the dispute has been on since 1920. The main regions that these two countries have friction about are the islands. China holds on to what they say that the islands have for quite a long time been part of their territory all the way since the ancient times. They serve as crucial grounds that they use for fishing as they have been administered by the Taiwan province. These islands are uninhabited hence it is difficult to determine to whom they need to belong to considering that there are no determined dwellers. The border conflict between these two countries needs to be addressed so as to bring the row to an end.

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These uninhabited islands and rocks are eight in number standing in the East China Sea. They cover a total area of 7sq km and they lie on the north-east of Taiwan and the main control is by Japan. The major reason for the China-Japan ties about these islands is because they are close to important shipping lanes, are ideal grounds for fishing and they also lie close to the oil and gas reserves. Another reason is that they are in strategic positions for military primacy.


The purpose of the study is to describe the reasons for the border conflict between China and Japan. This way, it will be possible to come up with a solution as to why these lands are bringing the controversy as well as find solutions for the same.

The guiding questions for the study include:

  • What is the main reason for China-Japan ties?
  • Who should be the rightful owner of those lands?
  • What is the claim from all sides?
  • Why is the row so permanent at the moment?
  • What role does the U.S have to play about the whole issue?

Hypothesis: the research should describe the China-Japan border conflict, describing the reasons why it exists and the solutions to be advanced.

Significance and limitations of the study

The study will help in advancing research on the case of these countries, connecting their operations to the global areas. The study will also be significant in helping to address the current issues of conflicts internationally and how conflict bodies should come up with solutions to bring it to an end.

Research for this study can only be through the internet sources since it is difficult to reach the practitioners of the government and seek information from them. In that case, the study may be varied since different scholars have different things to say about the conflict.

Research methods, resources and schedule

The study will take into account the use of qualitative methods of research more especially the use of internet sources. There is a need to gather materials posted on government websites concerning their operations and analyze each of them. This way, it will be possible to create a good schedule of the analysis putting things in order.

Conclusion (Why is the topic important?)

The topic is important to me as it will help to cover tasks in my course that are history related. It will also help in making better researches because this particular one will help me to advance in my methods of making constructive data and coming up with a conclusion.

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Border Conflict Between China and Japan Paper Example. (2022, Nov 20). Retrieved from

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