Border security is viewed as a critical matter to the national security of the United States. It has been depicted that foreigners who enter the US illegally without any form of admission or inspection pose a significant threat to not only the national security but public health as well. The foreigners, in this case, have not been acknowledged or even examined by the Federal immigration officers to decide whether they are entitled for admission to the United States. Recently, there has been a rush of illegal immigrants at the border with Mexico which has posed a major strain on the resources of the federals and even overcame the agencies who have the duty of immigration enforcement and border security. Despite these incidents, efforts are still being undertaken by the US government to ensure that immigrants are kept from crossing the American border. The paper will explore Trump FX on keeping immigrants crossing the American frontier.
Trump has been observed to undertake several efforts all aimed at ensuring that the southern border is safe. It was reported that the US had reached a breaking point with the vocal minority not comprehending that crucial link between the border security and national security. Lack of decisive actions by Trump would lead to continued drug and human trafficking that would demonstrate less safety to the communities or citizens in general. Actions by Trump to deploy the National Guard on a temporary basis to the border and further helping the states in the fight against illegal immigration is viewed as an effective strategy. The congressional Democrats were of the view that they won politically by approving a smaller appropriation for wall funding in the omnibus bill. However, Trump won against them since his decisions indicated more pressure on the Democrats to stop obscuring and instead undertake the right actions. The actions, in this case, included working with him in the form of bipartisan to favor the extra funding for critical work to be undertaken in securing the southern border (Korte & Jackson, 2017).
Also, it is crucial to note that Trump's effort's to keep immigrants crossing the border has managed to stop the human smugglers, transportation of drugs and gang members from entering the country. It is thus an indication of control of the border being achieved and further reaffirming the rule of law for the majority of those who voted for Trump (Ward, 2018).
Recently, Trump issued threats to deploy the US military and even close the southern border with Mexico. The reaction was based on whether a convoy of immigrants from Central America would be allowed to proceed with their movement to the north. The group, which would now be immigrants, had massively grown concerning the number of people and left Honduras. They had plans to head through Mexico by passing the US border, an action that would anger Trump. The President then issued his threats through social media demanding that the Mexican government should destruct the plans of the convoy. He further depicted that failure by Mexico to stop the offense would lead him to call the US military and shut the southern border (Durkin & Lakhani, 2018).
Before the convoy of immigrants indicated their plans, Trump has threated to cut off aid worth millions of dollars to Honduras. After the entire ordeal of the convoy of immigrants, he restated his plans depicting that he would stop all payments to these nations that appeared to have no regulation over their population (Agren, 2018). Trump's efforts toward illegal immigrants further resulted in the Mexican government issuing a warning. They illustrated that any individual who entered the country illegally, that is without a passport and visa would be under the risk of detention and deportation. To back up this claims, they deployed more federal officers including riot police to the border city of Tapachula where the migrants would start landing (Durkin & Lakhani, 2018).
Trump's efforts on keeping illegal immigrants from the US have further been observed through the proposed border wall. However, it has been indicated that the wall would not accomplish certain things, some of which are among his main agendas. It has been debated that the wall will not stop smugglers who have been using tunnels to acquire drugs into the United States since the methods were presented in 1989 by the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel. For instance, in 2016, the law enforcement officials in the US discovered a drug tunnel equipped with rails, vents, and electricity. As such, it would be easy to use this strategy and transport people using the same strategy (Felbab-Brown, 2017).
On the other hand, it has been argued that the wall would not fundamentally minimize homicides and violent crime being observed in the US. Trump's administration has been depicted to promote a counterproductive policing method that emphasizes hunting undocumented workers. The approach further includes the utilization of regular police officers (Gonzales, 2018). However, it is critical to note that evidence has indicated a strong connection whereby once people stop questioning the aspect of equity and legality of the law application and government institution, then it means they halt broadcasting crime which then ends up increasing. Therefore, the efforts by the Trump administration to recruit the local police officers into immigration enforcement have not been positively received by most of the local police officers (Felbab-Brown, 2017). However, despite the adverse reactions towards the wall construction, Trump is still determined on keeping immigrants crossing the America border.
The wall led to criticism against Trump and his lack of accuracy in policy concepts. However, it is relevant to note that he had bold and quite comprehensive requirements for the wall since the presidential campaigns. It would be one thousand miles long, and height ranged from thirty to fifty feet. As such, to him, the barrier would be an impassable physical wall encompassed of a concrete plank. Trump further depicted that the wall would be appealing. Furthermore, according to him, he would construct a superior barrier that would replace the ones that existed at certain points (Bier, 2017). Therefore, Trump's efforts of keeping immigrants crossing the US border were evident since he started campaigning.
Despite the caravan of migrants constituting of several families with children who are fleeing from gang violence and poverty, Trump still depicted them as a threat to America. Efforts by Trump have not been fully supported by the Mexican administration that still allowed numerous migrants and especially the Hondurans to get to the US border. The move angered Trump who proceeded to start the family separation policy. In this case, parents are separated from their children who are then labeled as minors who are unaided. These children are then sent to either foster care or government custody and the parents categorized as criminals and sent to jail. As such, the move is quite scary for most of those considering crossing the US illegally. Nonetheless, it is regarded as a crucial step in keeping immigrants crossing the American border (Lind, 2018).
Trump's determinations on keeping immigrants crossing the US border have thus been observed concerning the construction of the border wall and the hiring of more border patrol agents and immigration officers. There is also the issue of having new public or private detention facilities for the immigrants. Trump's much-publicized immigration enforcement has increased profits for private prisons. The entire aspect of keeping immigrants crossing the American border is viewed as a massive countrywide government process. Trump signed two executive orders after his inauguration that was seen to benefit the interests of the private prison. The plans included increasing the utilization of detention to end the practice of catching and releasing migrants who were pending their removal hearings and expand their detention capacity (Korte & Jackson, 2017). Also, the anticipated measure of this expansion led to more efforts of increasing the number of people in immigration detention to close to eight hundred thousand per day. Additionally, the order changed the policies of the Obama administration. It highlighted all the unlawful immigrants for prosecution. It further pushed for new contracts that permitted the state and local law enforcement to enter into partnerships and assist the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in implementing immigration. As such, there was an anticipation of more profits for the private prison industry due to an increase in ICE arrests that happened in the interior of the country (Luan, 2018).
On the other hand, Trump's administration deployed National Guard members to the border whose role was for support according to the law. In this way, they develop the capacity of their brave border patrol to counter the numerous threats along the border and the substantial rise in tried border crossings. It is vital to note that the trade and economic policies of Trump create thousands of jobs that need to be taken up by Americans first. As such, it is normal to expect that there will be increased border crossings in the future months and years. It is thus necessary for the Democrats to support Trump's work and offer the required funding to ensure that the border security is efficient (Ward, 2018).
The paper has explored Trump FX on keeping immigrants crossing the American border. Various aspects have been discussed which include the construction of the southern border wall and new private and public detention facilities. Also, there has been an increase of new border patrol agents and immigration officers. There has also been the separation policy which can be depicted to discourage immigrants from crossing to the US illegally. When one is caught, they are separated from their children. They are then sent to detention centers of prison while their children are labeled as unaided minors and sent to foster care or government custody. The act is quite scary since reconnecting with one's family is quite hard and thus a strict action to curb or significantly control illegal immigration to America.
Agren, D. (2018). Caravan of 3,000 Central American migrants crosses into Mexico. Retrieved from
Bier, D. (2017). Why the Wall Won't Work. Retrieved from
Durkin, E., & Lakhani, N. (2018). Trump threatens to close US-Mexico border over Honduran migrant caravan. Retrieved from
Felbab-Brown, V. (2017). 3 things Trump's proposed border wall with Mexico wouldn't accomplish. Retrieved from
Gonzales, R. (2018). FACT CHECK: What's Happening On The U.S.-Mexico Border?. Retrieved from
Korte, G., & Jackson, D. (2017). Trump orders clamp down on immigrant 'sanctuary cities,' pushes border wall. Retrieved from
Lind, D. (2018). The Trump administration's separation of families at the border, explained. Retrieved from
Luan, L. (2018). Profiting from Enforcement: The Role of Private Prisons in U.S. Immigration Detention. Retrieved from https://www.migrationpolicy.or...
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