Beliefs of Buddhism Religion Research Paper

Paper Type:  Research paper
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  979 Words
Date:  2022-03-29

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Thesis: The primary beliefs associated with the Buddhism religion which include the four noble truths, the noble eightfold path, and the five precepts

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Main Idea #1

General Statements-The four noble truths

Concrete Detail- The four noble truths include dukkha, samudaya, magga, and Nirodha.

Main Idea #2

General Statements- The noble eightfold path

Concrete Detail- The eightfold path includes having a right view and understanding, right speech, thinking, conduct, mindfulness, concentration, livelihood, and effort.

Main Idea #3

General Statements- The five precepts

Concrete Detail-They include not destroying living things, not involving themselves in acts of sexual misconduct, refraining from intoxicants, abstaining from the use of incorrect speech and taking what is not given to them.

Detailed Formal Outline

I. Introduction

A. Buddhism

B. Buddhism as a Religion

C. The beliefs of the Buddhism religion as recognized by the Buddhism law.

II. First Body Paragraph

A. Belief in the four noble truths

B: The four noble truths are dukkha, samudaya, magga, and Nirodha.

C: Evidence-For example suffering can be caused by pain, impermanence of pleasure, loss, sickness, and failure

D: Analysis

III. Third Body Paragraph

A. Belief in the noble eightfold path

B. The eightfold path includes having a right view and understanding, right speech, thinking, conduct, mindfulness, concentration, livelihood, and effort.

C. Evidence- For example use of a polite language while communicating

D. Analysis

IV. Fourth Paragraph

A. Belief in the five precepts

B. They include not destroying living things, not involving themselves in acts of sexual misconduct, refraining from intoxicants, refraining from the use of incorrect speech and taking what is not given to them.

C. Evidence-For example by abstaining from sexual activities till marriage.

D. Analysis

V. Conclusion


Buddhism is a religion which comprises several spiritual practices, traditions, and beliefs which are based on the Initial teachings associated with the Buddha. Most of the traditions of Buddhism tend to share various beliefs that are important to the religion. The people involved in this type of religion tend to go through several cycles which include being born, being alive, dying and rebirth. The people of Buddhism religion believe that during rebirth an individual does not necessarily return to earth as being the same entity anymore. This essay discusses the primary beliefs associated with the Buddhism religion which include the four noble truths, the noble eightfold path, and the five precepts.

The Buddhism religion belief in the four noble truths which are dukkha, samudaya, magga, and Nirodha. The four noble truths of Buddha tend to explain and explore the suffering of human beings. According to the dukkha, it is a noble truth that tries to explain that human suffering exists and may be caused by various reason, The suffering tend to be real and is almost universal. According to this Buddhism truth, dukkha suffering can be caused by pain, the impermanence of pleasure, loss, sickness, and failure. The samudaya is a Buddhism noble truth that tries to explain that the desire to control and have things can also result in suffering. The samudaya is evidenced by various forms which include the desire for fame, craving of sensual pleasures and the desire to avoid sensations that are not pleasant such as anger, jealousy or fear. The Nirodha is a Buddhism believe that suffering has an end. According to Buddhism religion suffering comes to an end with the final liberation of Nibbana whereby the mind tends to have complete liberation, non-attachment, and freedom. The magga is a noble truth that the Buddhism religion believe in. The people in this religion believe that the Eightfold path must be followed by an individual to end their suffering (Keown & Prebish).

The other core belief of the Buddhism is the noble eightfold path which includes having a right view and understanding, right speech, thinking, conduct, mindfulness, concentration, livelihood, and effort. The Eightfold path of Buddha consists of mortality, virtue, wisdom, meditation, and focus. Having a right view and understanding refers to the situation whereby people should see things as they are with having to distort them. It is possible by developing the wisdom of knowing oneself, how things work and others. The right thinking according to this path help individuals to follow the right path in life through the development of empathy, compassion, love, and kindness. The path involves the use of the right speech. People should use a statement that is not abusive, deceptive and with lies. The right conduct requires individuals to behave in a manner that shows how one wants to live by being honest, peaceful and compassionate to other human beings. Having the right effort help in the creation of balance between have a life that is moderate and following the spiritual path. The people of Buddhism religion believe that they should be mindful. They should be fully aware of the state of their mind, feeling, and body. The right concentration refers to a meditation that is deep which in turn results in a higher level of enlightenment (Ling).

The region of Buddhism believes in the five precepts. The religion requires individuals to undertake the precepts of not destroying living things, not involving themselves in acts of sexual misconduct, refraining from intoxicants, refraining from the use of incorrect speech and taking what is not given to them. The five precepts act as a ritual and moral guidelines for the devotees in Buddhism which apply to both the female and the male devotees.


In conclusion, the Buddhism religion has their own beliefs and religious practices that they consider being essential to follow and failure to so it is considered as a violation of the Buddhism law. The central beliefs of the Buddhism religion are the four noble truths, the noble eightfold path, and the five precepts.

Works Cited

Keown, D., and C. S. Prebish. Encyclopedia of Buddhism. Taylor and Francis, 2013.

Ling, T. The Buddha: The Social-Revolutionary Potential of Buddhism. Pariyatti Publishing, 2013.

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