Aviation Human Factors: Selection & Training Essential for Success - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  664 Words
Date:  2023-07-05


In aviation, human factors can be defined as the ability to think and reason, and quickly attend to the physical and cognitive threats that people combine with other skills such as physical talents to help them accomplish tasks (Salas, Maurino, & Curtis, 2010). Therefore, it is essential to develop personal selection and training in human factors research to individuals working in the aviation industry since it allows them to think and be strong when things go wrong. Individuals working in aviation should be trained on human factors such as threats, errors, and crisis management, decision making, identifying mistakes and failures, teamwork, communications, physiology and psychology of body, mind, and brain, and risk management and control. As a result, all the staff, managers, and pilots working in aviation should be able to learn and understand human factors. However, if the selection, training, maintenance, and safety in aviation are not done in the right way, it contributes to a significant proportion of aviation risks, incidents, and accidents.

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The reason why personnel selection and training in human factors is essential in aviation is that while the physical threats in life are decreasing, the cognitive or soft threats are increasing. However, as much as the technology, engines, automation, and systems are all becoming more reliable, the aviation industry is being challenged by the increased external dangers such as time and cost constraints, black boxes, congestion, change, disruption, and complexity (Salas & Maurino, 2010). Personnel selection and training in human factors research in aviation are very significant as it helps in screening job applicants and placing them on the role they are most qualified in and can enhance the effectiveness and result of positive results or success to both the applicant and the hiring organization. However, poor personnel selection and training can contribute to disasters, destruction of properties, and loss of lives.

Personnel selection and training in human factors research in aviation are also essential as it helps increase the success of aviation projects, and reduces the possibility of failures and near misses. Aviation personnel selection and training in human factors research aid in creating the solutions for the unexpected threats or dangers that may arise when the duties and tasks are being performed, and saving the lives of people who depend on them, such as passengers, colleagues and, other staff members. Therefore, the human factor is essential in aviation as it helps make work more effective, efficient, and safe. Also, human factors awareness leads to a quality and improved environment that increases employee's workforce and increases aircraft safety. These is because the workforces in charge of the human factors in the organization ensures that the equipment and machines used by the workers are safe to use, and the possibilities of risks such as accidents, errors, injuries, and illnesses are reduced.


In aviation, it is crucial to improve and conduct personnel selection and training techniques for the organization to employ the most qualified and experienced applicants to enhance safety and reduce the rates of failures and accidents (Goeters, 2017). Human factors also help the aviation sector to design equipment, tools, systems, and machines t5hat are safe to use, increase productivity, and reduce the rate of injuries and accidents among employees. Therefore, the selection and training of personnel enable the organization to hire the necessary aptitudes and skills needed for the human factors research in aviation to be effectively and efficiently be performed and reduce the rate of risks and accidents. However, if the human factors are not detected, they can contribute to accidents, injuries, deaths, and destruction of properties and waste of time.


Goeters, K.-M. (2017). Aviation Psychology: Practice and Research. Routledge. http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/976442180

Salas, E., & Maurino, D. E. (2010). Human factors in Aviation, 2nd Edition. Amsterdam: Academic Press. http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/938996977

Salas, E., Maurino, D., & Curtis, M. (2010). Human Factors in Aviation: An Overview. In Human Factors in Aviation (pp. 3-19). Academic Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-374518-7.00001-8

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Aviation Human Factors: Selection & Training Essential for Success - Essay Sample. (2023, Jul 05). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/aviation-human-factors-selection-training-essential-for-success-essay-sample

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