Assessing My Strengths: Adaptability & Go-Getting Mindset - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  702 Words
Date:  2023-04-07


A strength finder assessment is used to determine the various strengths that an individual is associated with (Rath, 2007). Based on my assessment, here are multiple strengths that have been generated for me, which describe the personality I am associated with. First, I am adaptable, which means I do respond to the multiple changes that life exposes me to. I am capable of adjusting to fit in any situation, which enables me to survive in the face of numerous life changes. Furthermore, I am good at individualization, which explains why I get along with most people. I am capable of noticing the unique qualities that each individual has got, enabling me to focus on them and give a better company. People are different; hence, being great at individualization enables me to appreciate the differences that the people have, as opposed to generalizations. That allows me to accommodate people adequately within my circle, hence be great at socializing.

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Furthermore, based on the assessment, I am an excellent communicator, which is one of my greatest strengths. I am capable of describing, explaining, and passing across information in a very effective manner to various parties. I make what I need to be communicated understood by my audience, hence enable them to comprehend whatever I have for them at the end of the communication. Lastly, I am an include, whereby I treasure the inclusion of people within my circle. I prefer having a more full circle, whereby I engage people and make them feel part of my social circle, making them feel appreciated. I accommodate as many people I can in my group so that we can all benefit from what the group will have to offer to all of us.

Based on the report, I see myself as an individual with exceptional attributes that I can cultivate and become even better. The strengths are a basis that I can use to enhance the multiple abilities I have so that I can be of benefit to myself, as well as the people that I interact with frequently. The report has enabled me to appreciate my personality, as the strengths reveal how great I am, as well as the potential I have. I see myself as an individual of great potential and a possible mentor to other people. Being a communicator and include primarily, I see myself as an individual that can influence others positively in multiple ways, hence make my circle better with time. However, what surprises me about the report is the revelation that I am adaptable. I view myself as being static and slow to appreciate and adapt to any changes. However, with that in mind, I will work on that aspect and become a better individual on that basis.

What rings true based on the assessment is the fact that I am good at communication. That is something I have known before, because I have been a leader before. I am capable of passing across information in the most efficient way and bring ideas to light through my art of expression. Furthermore, my communication skills have been applauded by people on multiple occasions; hence the assessment results come as no surprise to me. Based on the assessment, I have plans that will most probably enable me to utilize my strengths and propel me towards my goals. First, I will work on the various strengths I have through practice, which will allow me to cultivate them. Furthermore, I plan on mentoring peers based on the skills, so that I can practice the skills, which will make me better at them. Joining groups that foster the characteristics of my personality will be a significant step, too, as it will enable me to become a better individual in the long run. On that basis, I will be a better individual and capable of achieving my goals more efficiently.


Rath, T. (2007). StrengthsFinder 2.0. Simon and Schuster. Retrieved from:

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Assessing My Strengths: Adaptability & Go-Getting Mindset - Essay Sample. (2023, Apr 07). Retrieved from

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