Articles Analysis Essay on Public Administration

Paper Type:  Article review
Pages:  5
Wordcount:  1226 Words
Date:  2022-06-19


Ethics is an important concept that is supposed to be grasped by all the persons who are working as public administrators. By ethics, it means that they are supposed to be ready to maintain what is right and stay away from actions that are not acceptable. They are supposed to follow all the rules that have been put in place and also come up with policies that support the idea of always being on the right track. Public administration settings are accessed by some people, and they expect to get the best when looked from that perspective. In that case, all the employees or personnel in that field are supposed to learn all the codes of ethics so that they can practice them at all times. In this case, there will be a review of articles that are touching on ethics in the public administration settings. The articles are, "Ethics in Public Administration" by D. Radhika and "The Conditions of Care: Reframing the Debate about Public Sector Ethics" by Helena Olofsdotter Stensota.

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In the first article on "Ethics in Public Administration," the author states that the current world has come to realize the importance that is attached to ethics in areas of public administration. This is because many have found out that there is a sovereign good that is attacked to always behaving in the right way and making sure that all the codes that have been put in place are well implemented. I agree with the author's claim that ethics in the public sector is fundamental as it builds better reputations especially when looked from the perspective of companies and other organizations. The author states that many companies tend to be in cases of ethical dilemma and all this takes place in the public administration sectors.

I also agree with the statement that the author makes on the fact that many people have still not realized the fact that these channels that are supposed to be maintained to make sure that the rules and regulations in ethics are followed (Radhika, 2012). People have been spending less time to identify the constituents of ethics in public administration, and that makes them end up going astray in most of the moves that they are making. This is true because people spend a lot of time working in other areas of the public administration leaving aside the issues of ethics. Ethics guides people on what is good and what is bad. It also makes sure that there is better co-existence in the society and therefore it is supposed to be maintained at all the times. The Public administration sector is always in the limelight, and it is supposed to act as an example to all people who are yet to join the same field.

I agree with the author when he says that one of the most commonly known importance of ethics in public administration is that it promotes aspects of decentralization, devolution of budgets and also makes sure that privatization is maintained. This is true when looked from the perspective of companies that deal with a large number of people in the public sector. Public administration has people from diverse backgrounds, and they all need to be treated in different ways. In that case, ethics makes sure that the leaders learn how to handle them and devolves subordinates who help in achieving cohesion and integrity. Privacy is critical even if it is an issue of public admission and ethics, in this case, makes sure that everything has been put in place effectively. Ethics and morals make sure that everyone in public administration has some role to play in budgets and that is the reasons why it should be embraced. Decisions are made jointly, and that means the right measures are the only ones that are put in place.

The article on "The Conditions of Care: Reframing the Debate about Public Sector Ethics" states the some of the conditions that are supposed to be put in place regarding care and ethics among the public administrators. The author is on the notion that public administrators are supposed to have more attention diverted towards ethics. This is true, and I agree with it because the public administrators are like leaders who are supposed to show manners that everyone will emulate. Public administrators are supposed to have learned how to make everyone in public to be proud and ready to follow the laws and policies that have been put in place in that line (Stensota, 2010). The author adds that there has been some empirical evidence provided regarding the importance of ethics in public administration, but there is some rarity when looked from an in-depth perspective.

The author of this article states that ethics in public administration is supposed to be embraced because it promotes the well-being of all individuals. This is seen from the subsection of "The Ethics of Care in Politics." Politicians form a part of the public administration, and that means they are the ones who are always in the first line to implement all the issues that have been brought up regarding ethics (Brereton & Michael, 1999). The politicians are supposed to promote the welfare of their subjects, and this is true according to the claims of Gilligan (1982). Administration of welfare means that the people in the society will be able to behave in a manner that is connected to each other having in mind that they have the same missions and objectives to achieve.

I agree with the author's argument that ethics in public administration is supposed to be embraced at all times as it entails being concerned about equality regarding gender. The ethics of care to women is supposed to be embraced as they form part of the vulnerable group. They are also the commonly known caregivers in the society, and that means they are supposed to be under the care of public administrators. Identity formation in the public administration sector is key, and everyone is supposed to be on the frontline when it comes to its implementation (Argyriades, 1996). Therefore, a lot of care and concern is supposed to be maintained for cohesion in the public sector to come into play.


In conclusion, the authors in the two articles have brought out the importance of ethics in public administration setting. Ethics is a concept that people learn through training while others get it out of experienced. It all depends on the events that have taken place and the kind of demands that have been attached to them. This is in conjunction with the public administrators who are the ones supposed to make sure that they interpret ethics to the rest of the people. The kind of actions that they take is supposed to lead to positive results. Good results should be preceded by the right moves and vice versa. Cohesion, peace, and sustainability are all the results of proper ethics when exhibited by the public administrators.


Argyriades, D. (1996). "Neutrality and Professionalism in the Public Service." Democratization and Bureaucratic Neutrality. London. Macmillan, pp. 45-77.

Brereton, M., & Michael. T. (1999). "The New Public Service Ethos: An Ethical Environment for Governance." Public Administration 77(3): 455-74.

Radhika, D. (2012). "Ethics in Public Administration." Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research Vol. 4(2) pp. 23-31.

Stensota, H. O. (2010). "The Conditions of Care: Reframing the Debate about Public Sector Ethics." Public Administration Review.

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