Sexism is termed to be among the most immoral aspects in the different communities in the recent century. In one of the books by Bishop Spong, he critically depicts about the immorality portrayed by sexism in the different five major religions in the whole world. In Judaism, they burn the words of Torah and then take the words to be for the women. On the Christianity side, the women are considered to be born to serve their men until death comes in thus making sexism immoral. In Hinduism also, the women are expected to immolate themselves on the death of their husbands (Bloom, Paul, 8). All these three examples of religion show how the women are overburden by the sexism theme of the society. Sexism now takes the most immoral aspect in the way the religions amongst other factors explicate the treatment of women. Spong despite the critics made by the different religions against him he still stood firm for women's rights. The discretion of women is also contributed by the dangerous elements in the societies who want to destroy a virtuous cycle and reiterate the history. The most significant idea that should remain in the mind of everybody is that women have never reached to an equal society, but the whole history shows that sexism remains to be immoral.
Perspectives on the Immorality of Sexism
Sexism is immoral on the following perspectives; that a man is always physically stronger than a lady, that a man has no consent on how to wash the laundry properly, and lastly is on the nervous breakdown of a woman when given bad news about something (Bloom, Paul,10). All these examples lead us to one conclusion that sexism is immoral. For example one on the men strength, we cannot confirm that all people in their minds take the women to be weaker than men. The assumptions on this are always not right at all time. Therefore this example gives us full evidence that stereotyping forms its basis on the sexism that is leading to reduced morals in our societies. The women remain to be on the pathway of being disrespected through stereotyping on the sexism perspective. On the second example of the lack of consent on the cleaning up of laundry by men, it sounds offensive to the women due to the restrictions imposed on them. The phrase is not a fact but just a way of undermining the ladies into the stereotyping aspect that makes them be immorally sexists. Therefore, everybody either a man or a woman can do the laundry since there are no exceptional skills required in doing the chore. Sexism remains in our daily undertakings in our homes thus remaining to be a behavior that is not moral (Bloom, Paul, 17).
On the other third example on the nervousness breakdown of women minds, it sounds right but not right to all the women. The women have been taken to having 'weak hearts' as compared to men who are perceived to have' hard hearts.' These perceptions remain to be just assumptions without full evidence on the factual context. The women thus remain in to be explicated to these incorrect facts which stereotype them to be considered as sexists. At this point, sexism remains to be an immoral behavior due to unfair prejudice on the women.
Sexism's Impact on Women's Rights and Progress
Sexism shapes the society and brings in allot of affections to the community as a whole. The women's rights have been buried since the society is not able to recognize them as the primary individuals who contribute to the societal progress (Oztoprak, Berfu, 27). It has been centuries that the women are taken to nonsexist in our societies. All these injustices are proven by the many talented and skillful scientists, artists, and the authors on their suppression by the society by forcing them loose on their hopes through stereotyping by sexism. The aspect of force is an immoral norm vice that has been restrained primarily on the sexism.
The aspect of feminism in the social causes many issues in the society thus leading to a sexist view. Feminism brings the society to racial inequality, gender inequality, sexuality inequality, and the religious inequality. All these impacts cause sexism in the society since it advocates for men's rights to the women's rights. Most feminists want women to be not equal by letting them get advantages that men get in the society but through small proportions. The women are supposed to give full respect to their husbands and the vice versa. Another point is on the feminism approach toward the sexism being single sided (Oztoprak, Berfu, 42). The men are taken as bad guys while the ladies are considered to be the victims. The approach taken on both the men and women acts in an issue which is taken to be multi-sided which implies the immorality nature of sexism. Since the women are taken to be the ones that are less advantaged, victims and powerless it shows us that stereotyping is on its course since it makes the women be disserted in the societies thus take sexism to be immoral on the above facts.
The Moral Ambiguity of Sexism
The other problem explicated by feminism as a cause of immoral sexism in the last centuries was that women were taken to be called sexist by the men. However, by trying to solve the issue, the men ended up being referred sexist towards women. The men then objectified women as not being called sexist as women now objectify men to be not sexist. The men and women are tried to change the situation, but it became difficult due to the impact of culture on both them. There is another contributing factor to the sexism, and it talks on the ignorance in the gender term. Intersex gender tries to contribute to the sexism in men (Oztoprak, Berfu, 54). Intersexes also tries to differentiate gender by use of ethnic groups and thus perceive it to be a lousy aspect since it creates inequality in the community. The immorality of sexism remains to be a lousy norm to all the people in the society either men or women. Notably, the ladies remain to be the ones that are much affected in our societies due to the practices presented by gender indifferences.
Sexism is also immorally done through laws and regulations of some nations. As for the case of India and Singapore, a man is permitted to freely intercourse her wife without any arguments. In these countries when it comes to sex, a 'NO' does not indeed imply to 'NO.' There is sex that is non-consensual with marriage and is not considered to be a rape case so long as the lady is 15 years in India while in Singapore she should be 13 years old of age. It is worst in Yemen since there marriage of children is done, and also no limit to establish rape in marriages. What these countries are doing is painful to the women although there are some changes done by the Indian government. All these evidently depicts how sexism is immoral in the present world despite strides made by some nations (Oztoprak, Berfu, 53).
A man older than 18 years can be married to a girl of 15 years old appears to be another law in the Tanzanian government. The depiction of immorality in this law is on why the age of the girl child is lower as compared to the boy child. There is a fight for the marriage of girls to be extended all over the world to create equality. Though in Tanzania there are progressive changes to this problem, there is the creation of future failures for both genders. The loopholes present in this country shows the immorality aspect of sexism to the female gender creating a state of imbalance on the equality aspects of gender (Kelly, Caity, 63). It is always tricky to cut off the laws and rules that had already been imposed on a particular nation thus sexism ii remaining to a crucial problem.
On another hand, though sexism is taken to be immoral, it is to some extent somehow moral. On this context the history of sexism critics that there is no full consent whether sexism is moral or immoral. Also, due to the norms and cultures of different communities on the division of roles, there is no immorality in sexism. These roles are well explained in the accords since the women have their jobs, as well as the men, have their site of specialization. From a viewpoint, sexism is not immoral since it finds itself on the rules explicated in the gender roles. The only difference between the immorality and morality of sexism is on the comparison on the unequal treatment of both genders (Kelly, Caity.72). Moreover, as we take sexism to be moral, we should remember that it is also immoral due to support points I have explained in detail. All of us have a role in trying to end this menace since it accompanies the most immoral behaviors in the world of today. The governments and institutions should make amendments seriously on the rules and regulations to reduce the immorality of sexism. Although some nations have made the changes, there is still a lot to be done by the government to impose high charges and rules on the people who are got promoting the immorality of sexism.
In conclusion, the immorality of sexism is still taking place in the 21 century. Notably, due to the movement made by feminists, there is a phenomenon known as the 'reverse.' The phenomenon tries to refer the men to have been the victims of sexism or the women also who are expressing classic qualities of feminism which makes them have pressure thus hide their character. Lastly, there are no forms of stereotyping that contribute to the sexism since the leading causes of the problem is the mental aspect (Kelly, Caity.87). The mental aspect is critical since it brings in either the morality or the immorality of sexism. All of us are supposed to change on our mentalities to empress on the changes in the view of sexism to be treated well as either moral or immoral.
Work Cited
Bloom, Paul. "How do morals change?." Nature 464.7288 (2010): 490
Kelly, Caity. "The Immorality of Racism."
Oztoprak, Berfu. To what extent that was a feminist testament for Anne Bronte to have published her novel "The Tenant of the Wildfell Hall" in 1848 considering the economic and social structure of the Victorian Era?. Diss. TED Ankara College Foundation High School, 2012.
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