Annotated Bibliography on Gun Control Paper Example

Paper Type:  Annotated bibliography
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  687 Words
Date:  2022-12-12

Donohue, John J. "4 Gun Control Steps the US Needs Now." (2016).

The article explains the steps to be taken by the United States of America in facilitating gun control legislation. The author advocates for strict gun control measures citing its success in countries such as Australia. The United States government is addressed on the relevant steps that can enhance gun control. This article hints at antagonistic association with Gray's thesis which attributes no significant relationship between strict gun control policies and a steady decline in violent crime rate. The article provides a guideline on how gun control implementation can be achieved.

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Filindra, Alexandra, and Noah J. Kaplan. "Racial resentment and whites' gun policy preferences in contemporary America." Political behavior 38.2 (2016): 255-275. doi: 10.1007/s11109-015-9326-4)

The research aimed at determining the influence of racial prejudice on depressing white support for gun control. The author highlights the common fears that contribute to racial differences in gun control. The article addresses the influence of the race factor in the implantation of policies. The policymakers are directed towards the challenge of a collective agreement on gun control. Therefore, useful background information on gun control in the United States is obtained from the article.

Gray, Andrew J. An analysis of state gun control laws and their effect on violent crime. Diss. 2015.

The thesis focusses on investigating the impact of gun control laws on the rates of violent crime rates in different states of the US along with the changes in gun control legislation. The study concluded that high restrictions to a firearm has no impact on reducing the violent crime rate in the US. However, this study contradicts with the provisions of Donohue in proposing the steps for gun control. This article is essential as it points out at some of the effects of gun control which can be addressed to reach a joint agreement on the gun control policies.

Wolff, Thomas C. "Firing Back: State v. Huckelba Takes Aim at Precedent, Impacting the Gun Rights of North Carolina Citizens." NC Cent. L. Rev. 38 (2015): 80.

The author studies the case of the state vs Huckebla who was found on an educational property in possession of a firearm and the constitutional provisions in handling firearms. The author aims at finding out the different legal provisions in handling. The case calls for the safety of gun owners and the impact on the fear in the general public and therefore puts the gun owners and the safety of the public in the picture. As highlighted by Gray, the rate of violent activities has limited association with the stricter policies on gun control. The case allowed the gun owners to bear arms but limited from carrying to schools. The article provides useful data in the determination of the government efforts in addressing the constitutional framework in handling matters of possession of firearms.

Wozniak, Kevin H. "Public opinion about gun control post-Sandy Hook." Criminal justice policy review 28.3 (2017): 255-278

In the article, the author's focus is to determine public opinion on gun control and the politics in gun control. The hypothesis for the study is supported by the public as it highlights their perception of gun control and the influence of politics behind the gun control process. The article offers crucial information regarding gun control and the politics behind the gun control efforts and therefore can help in establishing suitable control measures to be put in place.

Works Cited

Donohue, John J. "4 Gun Control Steps the US Needs Now." (2016).

Filindra, Alexandra, and Noah J. Kaplan. "Racial resentment and whites' gun policy preferences in contemporary America." Political behavior 38.2 (2016): 255-275. doi: 10.1007/s11109-015-9326-4)

Gray, Andrew J. An analysis of state gun control laws and their effect on violent crime. Diss.


Wolff, Thomas C. "Firing Back: State v. Huckelba Takes Aim at Precedent, Impacting the Gun Rights of North Carolina Citizens." NC Cent. L. Rev. 38 (2015): 80.

Wozniak, Kevin H. "Public opinion about gun control post-Sandy Hook." Criminal justice policy review 28.3 (2017): 255-278

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Annotated Bibliography on Gun Control Paper Example. (2022, Dec 12). Retrieved from

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