Analyzing the Ten Gender Essay Example

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  670 Words
Date:  2022-11-20

The distinction of gender and or sex presumes social and biological attributed of an individual. Although the cultural demonstration of men and women emphasizes on their masculinity or femininity through how one conducts their preferences of maintains their physical appearances other aspects like behavioral responses to society and emotional expressiveness show their gender or sexual orientation. For instance, understanding the reason applied by the two participants in the ten genders/sex question game applies the scientific reasoning of the attributes of sexuality and gender in human beings to be scientific, social, and behavioral. In this sense, it is important to analyze the game process to understand the ideological mentality in showing the contemporary differences in gender and or sex of a human being in reflect the characteristics that show their biological or social conduct.

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Understanding the number of genders of sexes that will emerge when discussing gender or sexual orientation of human beings commonly the primary thoughts attribute human beings to be either male or female. However, in gender ambiguity, the heterosexuality though not common comes in the picture to show undefined human characteristics in regards to the gender or sexual orientation of individuals (Fausto-Streling, 2000, p.9). Assigning gender because of the various attributes that are emotional, social or biological helps people to understand the ambiguity of an individual's sexual orientation or gender difference (Laqueur, 1990). For instance, in the ten questions challenge the first participant assigned the purported individual in question as mail because of the biological differences which included having Adam's apple that is more scientifically explained to be found in men than in women. Also in the assignment of the gender orientation, the first participant overruled the possibility of heterosexuality in the person because no male to female sex reassignment had been conducted on the person in question. According to Hird (2003), heteronormativity in human beings brings out confusing elements when a heterogeneous human being presumes both genders/sexes complement in the identification of gender or sex differentiation (p.27).

Furthermore, the social and behavioral seemingly conflicting information in identification or assignment of gender-based of certain properties emerges when the same body brings out heterogeneous properties to reassign the gender or sex of an individual (Schiebinger, 1993). For instance, participant two in the game was confused and mixed up in deciding what gender the character in question was oriented because of the similarities and inconsistencies in the gender orientation traits. Utilizing the theoretical perception like the tenets of the feminist's theory helps an individual identify the behavioral and socialization expectation of different sexes because of the cultural attributes of a particular gender thus facilitating the direction of orientation analysis (Hird, 2003, p.26). in this sense, the second participant is able to get misguided perceptions of the gender or sexual orientation of the person in question because of assumed theory on the heteronormativity of the human being (Fausto-Sterling, 2000, p.21). Because of the culturally accepted behavior and likings of women makes him assume that the subject must be feminine though other physical or biological attributes are conflicting the feminine orientation.


Conclusively, gender or sex uncertainties on the final outcome of an individual based on the biological or social attributes override the behavioral aspects to distinguish an individual to be male or female. In certain instances where the mixture of personality traits brings out heterogeneous properties to distinguish whether an individual is male or female requires considerations of more attributes that are more than the social or behavioral aspects of a person. The scientific contribution of sexual orientation assignment helps make distinct differentiation on the assumptions to define sex and or gender of an individual without necessarily visualizing the body in question.


Fausto-Sterling, Anne. (2000). The Five Sexes, Revisited: The emerging recognition that people come in bewildering sexual varieties is testing medical values and social norms, The sciences, p. 18 - 23.

Hird, Myra J. (2003). Sex, Gender, and Science: Chapter Two making sex, making sexual differences, Canada: Palgrave Macmillan Publishers p. 17 - 28.

Laqueur, T. (1990). Making Sex. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Schiebinger, L. (1993). Nature's Body. London: Pandora.

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