Airplane Is the Safety Mode of Transport - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  533 Words
Date:  2022-12-18


The airplanes are equipped with cabin safety for passengers. This helps the passage during emergencies which increases the chances of them surviving in case of an accident. There are safety cards near the passage seat that give vital information on the location of exits and emergency equipment. The passengers are also provided with electronic devices which are tested to make sure that they don't affect aircraft. There is also strictly adhered weight of carry-on baggage to ensure safety. The airplanes unlike other modes of transports refuse to carry passengers who are considered as a potential risk to the airplane. It ensures that passengers on board are protected for any rick making airplane safe for travel.

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Although the airplane is the safest mode of transportation, there is still fear of being in danger while using an airplane. When using a plane as a mode of transportation, passengers put their fate in the hands of aviation technology which is supposed to prevent the plane form being in danger like a crash. However, there is no form of travel that is totally safe. There are disasters that occur whether natural or manmade. most of them come from unforeseen circumstances like harsh weather conditions, storms, and icing that can cause an airplane to crash. This cause sometimes cannot be predicted which makes air travel unsecured. There is also another reason which would make the air travelers feel in danger like human error. An airplane crash in most cases is fatal. In most airplane crashes that have happened, the passengers suffer from instant death since the plane crashes are dangerous and deadly.


In conclusion, the airplane is the safety mode of transport. This is because the airline has taken enough safety measures to protect its passengers. These measures range from technology to pilot training and provision of emergency cabin safety equipment for the passengers. There is no other mode of transport that has taken such measure which makes the airplane the safest. Although there are few cases of accident, air travel is realistically safe related with the sea transport, road, rail. For this reason, people should not be afraid while traveling by air. Nevertheless, it is important to have safety checks before.


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