A Moral Society: How Religion Provides Direction - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  657 Words
Date:  2023-08-16


I’ve learned the role of morality. Morality is important for human life. Human life revolves around moral issues. Morality creates order in the society. There are different sources of morality. They all seek to offer direction. A moral society brings about happiness. Happiness brings about satisfaction in people. Religion provides most of society’s morality. There are different religions in society. However, they all advocate for morality.

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Compelling Questions from the Unit

What is the definition of morality? What is the role of morality? How do different people view morality? What is the definition of hedonism? What are the benefits of hedonism? What are the negativities of hedonism? How does hedonism react to morality? How does one define natural law? How does natural law define morality?

Morality and Religion

Religion is a source of morality. Religious leaders offer consult during crises. Religion is important in directing society. Doctrines practiced need to be investigated. Moral motivation also needs religious beliefs. Atheism reduces the need for morality. God is the creator of morality. Religion also helps provide moral guidance. A good life leads to happiness. Happiness changes people’s attitudes towards life

Getting What You Want

Life is improved with fulfilled desires. With different desires comes different experiences. A good life is not universal. Fulfilled desires bring satisfaction to people. Your life is one of many. One should pursue a good life. Objective values are independent of desire.Good lives take others into account. Happiness dictates the actions one takes. Happiness directs the moral actions decided upon. .

Natural Law

In the Republic, Plato mentions Gyges. He gets a ring of invisibility. He misuses the powers of the ring. He uses it to satisfy himself. Gyges represents many of us today. Everyone wants to be the first. Sometimes this involves breaking natural laws. Psychological egoism suggests that it’s expected. Every human action seeks their satisfaction. Even when helping others, it applies.

Ethical Egoism

Psychological egoism is about human motivation. It explains that self-interest motivates actions. Despite being unethical, it’s also true. Morality does not demand the impossible.

Morality is critically required of everyone. Daily situations pose threats to morality. Virtue is rewarded in perfect situations. What happens when immorality promises rewards? What happens when morality faces opposition? Some immoral actions promote different reactions

Psychological Egoism

People react differently when treated differently. People can help without ulterior motives. Others can help to seek attention. Egoism allows people to meet deadlines. Altruism is defined as selfless help. Kind-hearted people still exist around us. Many organizations have decided on altruism. Kindness helps others attain their life goals. Egoism motivates acts of self interest. Self-interest promotes acts of selfishness.

What I have Leaned from the Unit

Religion is a popular morality source. Hedonism is the preference of happiness. People dedicate their lives towards happiness. Happiness is not all that matters. A good life fulfills one’s desires. Fulfilling desires doesn’t necessarily bring happiness. Natural laws guide human interpersonal relations. Egoism is constantly fighting altruistic tendencies. People need a motivation for morality. Motivation comes from egoism or altruism.

Personal Opinions

Human actions are motivated by happiness. Happy lives are also fulfilled lives. Fulfillment comes from achieving one’s goals. One can be moral or immoral. Every society has its moral codes. Society dictates what is morally acceptable. There’s happiness when one is moral. Immorality causes unhappiness in the society. Moral societies experience stability within themselves. Stable societies experience development within themselves.

What I did not Understand/Points for Further Investigation

Is there one true religious practice? What moral codes do atheists use? Does atheism mean one is hedonistic? How does one achieve true happiness? Is morality the only societal guide? How does one achieve full morality? Is this life the only life? How else can we achieve morality? Are there new theories for morality? Are there new trends in morality?

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A Moral Society: How Religion Provides Direction - Essay Sample. (2023, Aug 16). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/a-moral-society-how-religion-provides-direction-essay-sample

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