A Conspiracy Theory in Trumps America - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  445 Words
Date:  2022-11-19


While American politics are no stranger to controversies and conspiracy theories ranging from the Assassination of Robert Francis Kennedy to the September 11 attacks, never before has the political scene taken a dramatic twist as was during Donald Trump's ascent to the oval office. Consequently, this paper explores President Donald Trump's use of Rhetoric and its efficacy in wooing his followers, moreover, it compares Trump as a president and when he was a candidate. Donald Trump, a highly unconventional but equally tactful politician, won the fiercely contested elections against Hillary Clinton, an Obama administration insider who he promised to lock up (Cillizza, para 2). Such sentiments endeared him to his supporters, and with his America First policy, he even got more supporters from the conservatives who were keen to have their jobs back after the influx of immigrants. In response, Trump promised to build "The Wall" in a bid to curb the undocumented migrants who not only denied the government revenue through remittances as they are often paid in cash but also to reduce government spending on migrants (Borjas 126). The building of a border wall with Mexico sounded a racist idea; nonetheless, it was one of the many economic and fiscal policy measures to revive the economy and the dwindling manufacturing sector that had lost 2,557,100 jobs, between 2001 and 2015 (Jiang, 18).

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Nonetheless, while Trump's rhetoric might have worked in his campaign, that is not the case with implementing his policies. For instance, on ObamaCare, he promised that Real change would begin with the immediate replacement of the disaster known as Obamacare (Robinson, 8). Nonetheless, up to date, he has had difficulties with changing the healthcare program and with the Democrats taking the house in the just concluded Mid-term election his vision of a new health program is all but a pipe dream. Trump has failed to fulfill some of his promises a sentiment shared by Norrlof (2), who revealed that while Trump was able to feed on the Anger of increasingly infuriated voters, the country has had little gains from Trumps America First policies.

Works Cited

Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large. "Why Jeff Sessions Said 'lock Her Up' -- and Why It Matters." CNN, 24 July 2018, edition.cnn.com/2018/07/24/politics/sessions-lock-her-up/index.html.

Borjas, George J. Heaven's door : immigration policy and the American economy. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 2011. Print.

Jiang, Yuanzhi. "The United States Trade Deficit Issue with China and its Economic Effects in 2016." (2017).

Norrlof, Carla. "Donald Trump wants to rewrite the liberal playbook that has kept America on top for decades." USApp-American Politics and Policy Blog (2018).

Robinson, Miranda M. "Presidential Framing of Failure: A Pentadic Rhetorical Criticism of President Donald Trump's Rhetoric on Policy Failure with Obamacare." (2018).

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A Conspiracy Theory in Trumps America - Essay Sample. (2022, Nov 19). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/a-conspiracy-theory-in-trumps-america-essay-sample

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