2 Types of Browning in Apples: Primary & Secondary - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  520 Words
Date:  2023-03-14


When fresh apple slices are left exposed for long, they turn brown. Primary browning and secondary browning are the two types of browning in an apple where primary browning occurs due to oxygen reaction with phenolic compounds in fruits (Okanagan Specialty Fruits Inc., 2015). Enzymatic browning reaction in apples has an adverse effect on nutritional value, taste, flavor, and color (Holderbaum, Kon, Kudo & Guerra, 2010). Secondary browning occurs due to decomposition. Of primary interest is primary browning resulting from the oxidation process enhanced by polyphenol oxidase enzyme (PPO) (Okanagan Specialty Fruits Inc., 2015). Oxidation is preventable by eliminating oxygen contact or lowering pH value around the environment (Holderbaum, Kon, Kudo & Guerra, 2010). Understanding why apples turn brown is crucial as it could guide stakeholders, especially in the food industry, on how to prevent browning. This is especially important in an era where customer preference and taste are increasingly dynamic, and the demand for fresh products is on the peak.

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The following experiment sought to test the hypothesis: Browning in apples is not preventable. In structuring the research, the following materials were used: fresh sliced apples, water, tongs, lemon juice, clock, paper plates, towels and bowls, white vinegar, and apple juice, marker, vinegar, saltwater, and a camera. The procedure for the experiment was that the jars were filled with the different liquids, and each bowl labeled with the liquid put in it. Tongs were used to insert the apple slices to the various solutions for at 45 seconds. An apple slice is placed in a bowl without any solution. Tongs are wiped after inserting the apple slices to any solution to ensure that there is no cross-contamination in the experiment. The observations for browning are recorded and documented in pictures.

The results of the experiment indicate that water, lemon juice, apple juice, vinegar, and saltwater prevented browning. However, vinegar and lemon juice were most effective as they are acidic and therefore reduce pH value in the surface. Saltwater and freshwater were the slowest in preventing browning. The apple slice in a bowl with no liquid acted as a control group in the experiment and indicated the time taken for browning to occur under normal conditions. Acids were found to prevent browning. Based on this results, it is sufficient to reject the null hypothesis- Browning in apples is not preventable.


In conclusion, as a Life Systems student, the experiment informed existing knowledge about enzymes and reactions that take place, such as in the apple case and guided understanding of why the apple, as well as other fruits, turn brown when cut into pieces. Understanding the prevention measures is beneficial to real-life applications such as in the food industry where pre-treating a fruit in a solution to reduce browning. Keeping the fruits fresh for long implies more appeal to customers, which translates to more profits and reduced wastage.


Holderbaum, D. F., Kon, T., Kudo, T., & Guerra, M. P. (2010). Enzymatic Browning, Polyphenol Oxidase Activity, and Polyphenols in Four Apple Cultivars: Dynamics during Fruit Development. HortScience, 45(8), 1150-1154. doi:10.21273/hortsci.45.8.1150

Okanagan Specialty Fruits Inc. (2015, September 2). Apple Browning. Retrieved from https://www.okspecialtyfruits.com/our-science/apple-browning/

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2 Types of Browning in Apples: Primary & Secondary - Essay Sample. (2023, Mar 14). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/2-types-of-browning-in-apples-primary-secondary-essay-sample

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