1.0 The Impact of the Internet on Women's Life
It is evident that the emergence of the internet has played a vital role in influencing women's lives in different ways. In particular, an interview conducted on 50 Mauritian women show that the internet has transformed their life both negatively as well as positively. To begin with, the internet has heightened women's knowledge and made them aware concerning various aspects such as new beauty products in the market. On the same note, the internet helps women in expanding their businesses and acquiring more customers across the world. In fact, businesswomen are capable of advertising their enterprises via various social media websites. In the modern days, women use the internet to express their feelings freely without oppression. What is more, social network help women make new friends as well as connect to foreign friends. Conversely, the internet has affected women's lives adversely. For instance, many women are addicted to the internet and disturb time management. In spite of the experienced negative effects of the internet on women lives, it has considerable benefits that transform their lives to the positive side.
2.0 Internet: Social Life
The interview conducted on the 50 Mauritian women indicates that the internet influences their social life. In particular, the internet has made most of women lose their social life. It is understood that the internet has become a useful tool to numerous women across the globe. However, addiction to the internet is regarded as a fundamental cause of destroyed relationships. When women are enmeshed in online events, they become oblivious to prevalent effects of internet addiction (Amichai-Hamburger and Hayat 2011, p. 587). Continued use of the internet affects the capability of women to have face-to-face conversations with other individuals. Research indicates that women use emails and texts to communicate with each other rather than talking to each other one-on-one. In addition, as women continue to commit their time in their online businesses, they cut themselves off their friends as well as loved ones. Most women in the present days use the internet to create and stay in an imaginary world. Precisely, women's obsession with the internet has contributed to a negative effect on their social life.
2.1 Loss of Identity
The use of internet has contributed to identity loss in many women. For instance, women do not have the same interests to social life. In fact, the development and growth of the internet has led women shift from their real-life personas. Research shows that the internet has a considerable influence on women sense of identity because its explosion into popular use. It is unfortunate that many women have lost their identity in terms of culture, values, and norms. They have developed separate identities to demonstrate to each group. On the same note, the internet encourage young women try to imitate celebrities. It is evident that the internet has changed women's identity. It is advisable that even if the internet provides women a substantial way to express their opinions on different aspects, they should not allow it to change their identity.
2.2 Lack of Communication
Research indicates that the internet has killed women's verbal conversations as it encourages online communication. In the contemporary globe, women communicate with each other using WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter using texts and emails. In fact, women do not have the same interests to social life. Women use the internet to communicate with each other rather than talking to each other one-on-one. Nowadays, women do not meet face-to-face to share their ideas and opinions, instead, they create groups in social media platforms such as Facebook and Whatsapp to talk about their issues, concepts, and share different opinions. In addition, women concentrate on social media life and have forgotten to set aside time for their families. This has contributed to no interaction among family members. Simply put, the use of internet has led to lack of face-to-face communication among different women.
3.0 Negative Aspects of the Internet
Internet usage has contributed to negative aspects among women. For example, the interview that was conducted among Mauritian women depicted that many women are complex of their self-image. In particular, women are frustrated because the image of the internet possesses a substantial effect on them such as holidays and unaffordable variables. Some women are complex because they cannot afford luxury items available on the internet. Similarly, the internet presents insensitive images that take part in affecting women's psychology. Young women spend their considerable time on online games. Moreover, teens want to feel accepted as well as have the fear to be rejected. However, some women maintain that internet usage contribute to effects such as their personal behavior as well as improve their personal behavior.
4.0 Influence of Internet on Youngster
It is evident that the internet has a tremendous impact in the current society, especially on the youth. Notably, the growth of internet offers developing prospects for online information as well as to useful books for learners across the world. The internet has influenced the young generation on the way they communicate, work, study, and do their things. For example, the internet has developed innovative ways for youngsters to communicate, congregate, as well as share data of their social life. On the other hand, the internet has negative influence, especially in its moral implications. Nowadays, the youth are addicted to the internet, which contributes adverse social life. It is unfortunate that the youth use the internet for cybercrimes; thus, endangering their lives. Although the internet has numerous positive impacts on the youth, people must consider the prevailing negative effects on address them with an immediate effect.
4.1 The Bad Influence
The internet has much negative influence, especially to introverts. It is clear that most individuals who are introverts or those people who find it difficult to indulge in one-on-one interactions opt the electronic medium to share their feelings, ideas, and opinions with the outside world. However, other people misuse their private stuff as well as blackmail them. In this case, many individuals become cyberbullies victims. Additionally, the use of internet has led to reduced physical activity on many individuals. Because of its addiction, different people do less physical events, and this contributes to obesity to many internet users. In addition, too much use of internet means much time on personal computers and mobile devices, and this leads to bad eyesight. In simple terms, the advent of the internet has contributed to bad influence on the modern people.
4.2 Loss of Identity
Research indicates that the internet has led to loss of people's identity. In fact, nowadays, people, especially the youth, tend to live a different life. For example, many of them imitate the lifestyle they want to live with different celebrities such as footballers and musicians. On the same note, the internet has contributed to loss of moral values. The current generation does not recognize the importance of prevalent society cultures, norms, values, and beliefs that should guide them in their life. It is unfortunate that many people have opted to copy some values and cultures from other individuals who they even do not know. In particular, this has led to lack of appropriate moral values. For instance, many children have early sex because of Hollywood's movies influence. Currently, teenagers mature too early while others skip significant steps.
4.3 Following the Trend
The advent of the internet has led to the emergence of a different trend on the way people live across the world. For instance, individuals use the internet to see the way celebrities live their life, and this influences them to do the same. For example, many people imitate some lifestyles such as manga. On the same note, the internet has contributed to the building of some subcultures, such as piercing, emo, and tattoo, to mention a few. What is more, the internet has led to some behaviors that people want to change the way they look. Many of them opt for plastic surgery. It is evident that the internet has changed the way people live and interact in the modern world. In this case, it makes people demand trending behaviors; thus, loss of individuals' identity.
4.4 Violence
It is unfortunate that the internet does more harm to people when it comes to violence. In particular, many people make porn videos of themselves and share nude pictures online. This has led to no self-respect to many individuals, especially women, across the world. What is more, many internet users have experienced humiliations because of online exposures. For example, different individuals have been exposed to various dangers such as cyberbullying and drug trafficking, to mention a few. On the same note, internet has led many young people to drug abuse. Nowadays, women and children are involved in cybercrimes because of considerable influence from the internet. Additionally, research indicates that many people have provocative attitude because of what they imitate from the social media platforms. Finally yet importantly, many people want to be seen; therefore, opt to use the internet to achieve their goal.
4.5 Fear to be rejected
In most cases, women and young individuals fear to be rejected by friends; therefore, forced to accepted peer pressure. In fact, internet peer pressure contributes to internet addiction disorder. Many people with the preceding disease are always on the internet, are exposed to numerous dangers such as bullying, and drug trafficking as well as substance abuse. Internet teen peer pressure is experienced from online friends, classmates, and social friends and this may lead them to do things against their will (Huang et al. 2014, p. 510). For example, sexting is a good instance where teens send naked pictures of themselves or their colleagues. Additionally, some teens receive pictures that they did not ask for, and this contributes to loss of dignity and self-respect. Simply put, many women and children are forced to use the internet because of the fear of losing their friends.
5.0 Culture
The internet has led to the acquisition of new cultures and has made people forget their root culture. For instance, current music videos have considerable western influence on different people. In fact, the internet has caused the loss of original cultures and has made individuals copy cultures from the western. The reason is that most people follow what is trending such as fashion and the way they communicate to each other. Research indicates that many women in Mauritius have turned to globalized culture and have forgotten about their Mauritian cultures. For example, many people imitate some lifestyles such as manga. On the same note, the internet has contributed to the building of some subcultures, such as piercing, emo, and tattoo, to mention a few. Precisely, the current generation does not recognize the importance of prevalent society cultures, norms, values, and beliefs that should guide them in their life.
6.0 Barriers of Technology
It is important to comprehend that the internet has contributed to various technology barriers in the modern globe. Specifically, the internet has led to the advent of video games, movies, and stereotyping, to mention a few. It is unfortunate that the aforementioned barriers of technology lead to many negative effects on Mauritian women and teenagers. Notably, the internet has developed innovative ways for youngsters to communicate, congregate, as well as share data of...
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