Peter Lee Gallery: Interdisciplinary Visual Arts Practice - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  483 Words
Date:  2023-05-14


Net art also commonly known internet art is a type of digital artwork that is distributed through the internet. In most cases, a viewer gets drawn into a sort of interaction with the art work. The artists who work under such conditions are caller net artists. The Peter Lee Gallery is the primary exhibition venue exclusively dealing with visual art at Yale University. The gallery is devoted to the interdisciplinary visual arts practice and programming. Peter Lee Gallery is of great importance to the mission of the School of Art History and Art and the institution at large. It avails opportunities for relationship building with communities and societies beyond the confines of campus. The gallery got named in the honour of Peter Lee. It got established in 2005. Peter Lee was a life-long follower of visual arts. He believed that communities and students should gain access to vivacious spaces that allow creative interaction with artists and art. For more information, kindly visit

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About the Exhibition

The 2020 Spring Break Exhibition is themed "Art Happens Now" showcases eighteen works of art. The art gets selected from the Anthology of Internet Art ( The organization is a famous online exhibition that features the history of internet art through two hundred significant works. It is an affiliate program of the New Internet Art. "Art Happens Now" is a culmination of three years of preservation and art initiative. Featured artists include: Amanda Grey, Vincent Brown, Peter Alex, Sandra Val, Emily Winter, Harry Bill and Brian Michael.

Internet art is involved in various practices that occur through encounters within the users and computers and also through networks. It is a lot more than just a creative use of the internet. Its unique feature of live performative implies that questions and concerns touching on its archival status often pop up. Mainly, at the point of creation of the art, whenever an institution commences it. Or in response to the ever-changing circumstances in the field of technology. The pertinent question then is how can internet art be made to last longer without it losing its essential feature of variability? How then can it get recirculated are reperformed as the contexts of networks change? How can its loss or absence get noticed?

Curated by Damien Bill and Catherine Clay, the exhibition assembles works available in various mediums. Such as software, websites, graphics, sculpture, merchandise and books that map out the possible responses to the questions mentioned above. Included will be discovered archival gestures by restorations and artists by Internet Art's internationally acclaimed digital preservation team. The Spring Break exhibition highlights the essence of rehearsing aspects unique to network culture that could potentially recede from view. "Art Happens Now" suggests that through poetic engagements with the past of internet art, we stand to reckon better the contradictions and challenges existing in the network culture that is rapidly changing.

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Peter Lee Gallery: Interdisciplinary Visual Arts Practice - Essay Sample. (2023, May 14). Retrieved from

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