Paper Sample on Out of the Past: A Societal Mirror of Our Lives

Paper Type:  Movie review
Pages:  7
Wordcount:  1672 Words
Date:  2023-09-17


Films, just like other forms of literature, are an accurate depiction of our society. They reflect on the actual issues that we go through in our daily lives without being biased in any way. They can be thus termed as a societal mirror that helps us rethink what we are doing, experience what other individuals go through as they try to survive, and so forth. The film scene in question, "Out of the Past (1947)," has various components as it begins to the end. We are introduced to six characters in the scene who help the audience to try and brainstorm on what is going on in the scene and the entire film. Some of the characters we are introduced to by name are Joe, Jeff, and Kathie. From my point of view, these five characters play a significant role in ensuring that the director of the film delivers his or her intended message to the audience.

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As the scene begins, we are introduced to a character Joe who holds a newspaper, and he seems upset because of what has been presented in the paper (YouTube Movies, 0:04). He is complaining about the fact that an individual was cleaning up his pistol and accidentally shot himself in the process (YouTube Movies, 0:07). He looks to be lamenting and subtly indicating that the editors of the newspaper are mediocre because they are just presenting ordinary stories that people can easily figure out for themselves (YouTube Movies, 0:04). It is like he is mad because the person in question was in his own apartment when all this happened. As per my point of view, Joe feels like the privacy of the individual was invaded because he was at his home when he shot himself. He hates the fact that the entire town had to be notified about this so that they could talk about it as they go about their daily business (YouTube Movies, 0:18).

While still complaining and trying to compare the way the town buzzes over such news, another character whose name we haven't been told in this scene compares Joe to the buzz in town and tells him to smoke a cigarette so that he can calm down (YouTube Movies, 0:17). This character seems like he is the boss of Joe because he obediently listened to him. The character looks like he loves to be respected because he appreciates the way Jeff waits for him to talk first (YouTube Movies, 0:28). The 'boss' talks about a character Kathie whom she wants Jeff to find. When Jeff asks him why he did not call the law and the 'boss' replies should you? (YouTube Movies, 0:51). It seems like they are involved in some kind of shady business. Moreover, we also get to meet Jeff's partner who helps him conduct his private investigations. The 'boss' wants Kathie to be found after she had run away with his 40,000 dollars but says he is not interested in the money but the lady. It seems like Kathie means a lot to the 'boss' and she only wants to find her and that is why he hired Jeff to look for her.

From my point of view, this scene is the core of the entire film and it seems that every scene in the whole movie will revolve around this. Kathie will play a major role in fueling many events to take place and help the film to be interesting as much as possible. Furthermore, we are yet to determine the role that will be played by Jeff's partner in the entire movie as it unfolds before the audience. From this scene, one can tell that it is a film that will make them sit on the edge because it indicates that it is finely tuned by its director to disseminate information.

Meaning of the Scene


The scene in question was perfectly crafted to help the audience learn what the film is going to be all about. We are introduced to specific characters who all have a significant role to play as the film proceeds. The way these characters are presented in the scene makes the audience to easily know who they are and what we should expect from them. In the scene, the plot is arranged in a logical sequence to help us deduce one thing from the other. For instance, from the scene, we can easily tell who is in charge because of the ways the characters portray themselves. Even though we are just introduced to a single scene, it is much easy to try and anticipate what to expect in the film because of the logical sequence of how we are introduced to everything.

Secondly, as we look at the scene, its settings tell us more about when the film was taken. The images that we see are in black and white, indicating that the events that are in the movie took place before colored cameras were introduced. The director did this to depict the originality of the event so that the audience feels the experience while watching. This technique is important in maintaining the attention of the audience to the events that are taking place. Dialogue is also a critical element in the scene because without the characters talking to one another, it would have been challenging to deduce what is taking place in the film. Through dialogue, we can know the names of some characters, why the individuals in question are meeting, and so forth. The most exciting thing about this scene is the introduction of a conflict which will help in setting various events in motion. We are told of Kathie having run away with 40,000 dollars (YouTube Movies, 0:57). A conflict is a useful tool in setting in motion in any literary work because without it will be a little be harder to pass the intended message.

Themes Present in the Scene

In this scene, the audience can be able to point out various themes, such as betrayal. Kathie and the 'boss' seem like they knew each other very well. From my point of view, the 'boss' felt like he had been betrayed by Kathie and that he had to find her by any means possible. People are always betrayed by those close to them, the 'boss' intentions towards Kathie seem like they were pure but she took advantage of it, stole from him, and ran away leaving him when he least expected it. Moreover, to prove that his intentions are pure, he tells Jeff that he will not hurt Kathie even if they find her. With the theme of betrayal, we are also introduced to another theme of trust. The 'boss' had placed his trust in Kathie and would do anything just to get to her even after she had betrayed him. Just like the horse that he had bought after running last in the line, he still trusts that he can make the best out of the situation that he is in with Kathie (YouTube Movies, 1:04).

Another critical theme is chaos and order. There is a conflict between Kathie and the 'boss' after she had stolen from him. In order to restore order, the boss wants to find Kathie. He does this by employing a private investigator and does not wish to the law enforcers to be involved because it may be too chaotic and not achieve the goal that he wants. In this film, chaos can be said to be the moving force of the entire movie because everything will have to revolve around that in conveying the intended message to the audience.


There is a little bit of symbolism used in the film. While Joe is taking out his cigarette, Jeff keeps quiet until he is spoken to by the 'boss.' According to the boss, this is a sign of respect, and he likes it. In various situations, silence can be used to show respect especially when in-front of authority, and you are not talked to. It helps establish who is the dominant force in the scenario at hand. Jeff shows that he is willing to listen to what he will be told and respect it no matter what. Another symbol evident in this scene is the fact that the law should not be involved. This indicates that whatever business the boss is conducting is not legal (YouTube Movies, 0:46). Therefore, if the law was to be involved in the case of Kathie, it will lead to a lot of problems than solutions and that is why the 'boss' hires Jeff to do it privately with little questions asked (YouTube Movies, 0:46). Lastly, we also see symbolism when the 'boss' explains to Jeff about a horse he had bought for $40,000 and Jeff says, "yea that what I mean" (YouTube Movies, 1:08). When he says this, he indicates that the 'boss' should not trouble himself with Kathie by looking for her. Instead, he should just move on with his life. All these symbols make the scene to be indulging and maintain the attention of the audience in the film.


The scene that we are presented with the film "Out of the Past" is essential in giving the audience a hint of what the entire film will be all about. We can meet the major characters and their specific roles explained to us briefly. Furthermore, we see the various themes that will be further elaborated on while the film unfolds to give us a much better understanding. It is essential to appreciate some of the literary elements that have been utilized in the scene like the plot, dialogue, conflict, and so forth. These are crucial elements while conveying a message. Lastly, we have to appreciate the use of symbolism to give a much deeper meaning to various things we see in the film. This scene has played an important role in broadening my thinking spectrum on what to expect in the entire movie.

Works Cited

YouTube Movies. “Out of the Past.” YouTube, 30 Jan. 2014, Accessed 29 June 2020.‌

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