Paper Example on Learning from Aggression Management Training Course: Heckemann et al. (2016)

Paper Type:  Literature review
Pages:  6
Wordcount:  1607 Words
Date:  2023-05-03

Key Words: Mental Health, evidence-based nursing, patient-centered care, quality health, nursing practices

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Literature Review

The participant's perspective: learning from an aggression management-training course for nurses. Insights from a qualitative interview study

'Participant's perspective: learning from an aggression management training course for nurses' study was done by (Heckemann et al., 2016). The research was based on the idea that patients' and visitors' aggression in practice has increased. The study aimed to assess the importance of training nurses on anger management while interacting with patients and visitors. A descriptive qualitative interview design was applied, where seven nurses were evaluated before and after taking anger management units. It is a reliable source because the participants were well informed about the study, the benefits as well as implications. The findings of the study were that the training did not help the nurses manage anger in their practice. Nevertheless, knowledge level was increased, as they would identify the signs of irritation from patients and visitors.

The training also equipped them with skills for emotional self-management. It was the case because self -awareness in different situations was increased. They concluded that the anger management course helped nurses become aware of the self and signs of anger but did not equip them with strategies to manage patients and their families (Heckemann et al., 2016). They advised future researchers to find out how the training would be strategized to help the nurses overcome aggression in practice. The source answers the question of reducing harm for inpatient psychiatric patients. Identifying signs of anger in patients and their families help ensure safety as the nurses would apply managing strategies that prevent injury.

Because That's The Way It's Always Been Done': Reviewing the Nurse-Initiated Rules in a Mental Health Unit as a Step Toward Trauma-Informed Care'Because_That's_the_Way_It's_Always_Been_Done'_Reviewing_the_Nurse-Initiated_Rules_in_a_Mental_Health_Unit_as_a_Step_Toward_Trauma-Informed_Care/links/565681cc08aeafc2aabf410e/Because-Thats-the-Way-Its-Always-Been-Done-Reviewing-the-Nurse-Initiated-Rules-in-a-Mental-Health-Unit-as-a-Step-Toward-Trauma-Informed-Care.pdf

Sophie Isobel also conducted research titled 'because that's the way it's always been done'; reviewing the nurse initiated rules in a mental health unit as a step toward trauma-informed care' in 2015. The study aimed to come up with a rule review in helping the healthcare sector include trauma-informed care while dealing with people with a mental health condition. The questionnaire design was used, where participants gave views on principles of trauma-informed care and their thoughts on reviewing the policies. The study involved nurse educators, clinical nurses, registered nurses, consumer consultants, and nurse managers. Before the study, the participants were asked to discuss, so the information given in the questionnaire was detailed.

The study found that the nurses lacked substantive knowledge of trauma-informed care. Inconsistency in practicing the principles was noted, where some claimed they did not know if the aspects were to be applied all times while others reported on the lack of collaboration, making it tough (Isobel 2015). On the other hand, the participants agreed that the rules ensure safety for them at work, indicating that if implemented, frustration evident at work would be controlled. Isobel concluded that the provision of person-centered care needs education and adherence to rules to prevent conflicts and other challenges faced while dealing with patients. The study is useful in answering the question because following regulations and principles ensure safety for inpatients. After all, every party executes their roles as required.

Well-Being and Safety among Inpatient Psychiatric Staff: The Impact of Conflict, Assault, and Stress Reactivity

Kelly et al. (2016) also carried out a study with the title 'wellbeing and safety among inpatient psychiatric staff: the impact of conflict, assault, and stress reactivity.' The research aimed to assess the challenges nurses dealing with inpatient psychiatric nurses faced and the impacts in practice. The design used was an online survey that involved 1, 794 nurses in one of the known mental hospitals in California. Findings stated that 98% of the participants reported patient verbal aggression towards them though only 34% of them experienced this severally. 69.8% of the participants also claimed to have faced at least one incident of physical assault in 12 months (Kelly et al., 2016). They were either assaulted by patients, coworkers, or supervisors.

Apart from that, 24.6% of the participants found it hard to let go of the experiences even when the assaults were unsuccessful. 78.3% claimed that the experiences led to contaminated patients' care as they experienced stress and depression. Concerning safety, almost half of the nurses assessed said they felt unsafe at work and also reported that several measures would be needed if they were to offer quality services. The study answers the question by providing insights into the cause of the current situation. The rate of physical and emotional assault on nurses dealing with psychiatric patients is high, which leads to stress and depression. The safety of patients and the reduction of harm will be attained if a safe environment for nurses is created. It would prevent the above effects, empowering them to execute their roles rights, thus keeping the patients safe.

Factors impacting perceived safety among staff working on mental health wards

Haines and colleagues, in 2017, experimented' factors affecting perceived safety among staff working on mental health wards.' They were motivated by the idea that inpatient staffs complain about security. The authors aimed to point out the elements that affect the staff's perception of safety while dealing with people with a mental health condition in the wards. The design used was cross-sectional, involving both forensic and non-forensic psychiatric wards in the nation. The collected data was analyzed using certain principal elements and ordinal regression. Several findings were given, on the safety topic, one being onward brightness. The participants reported that when the wards are brightly lit, they feel safe, unlike where some points are dark. They also said on the number of beds in each department, where the more the beds, the higher the attitude of unsafe. Besides, the ratio between the patients and workers determined perception. For example, where the number of clients was more than the nurses, feelings of insecurity was high.

With these findings, the researchers concluded that the environment and situations determined the safety perception of nurses. It would be assumed that unsafe feeling is due to dealing with people with a mental health condition. However, the research showed that when the working environment is safe, the staffs also feel comfortable executing their duties (Haines et al., 2016). Alina's research offers reliable insights into the question at hand. Making the environment safe enables nurses to take good care of mental hospitals without causing harm. For example, where the number of patients is proportional to that of nurses, overworking is prevented, meaning that the nurses play their roles well. The research helps show the close relationship between safety for patients and creating a suitable environment for staff.

Sources of Social Support after Patient Assault as Related to Staff Well-Being

Kelly and other researchers researched in 2017, with the title 'sources of social support after the assault as related to staff wellbeing'. The researchers were motivated by the fact that the patient's aggression in mental care wards is a concern where practitioners are regularly harmed. The study assessed the social support given to nurses after being assaulted and the impacts of this in their work. A survey design was used, involving 348 clinical staff in one of the forensic mental hospitals in the nation. Among the participants, 242 reported having been assaulted in the last 12 months, and 71% wished they would receive support after the incidences. On the other hand, 72% of the participants claimed to have been supported by at least one source, which helped them continue working effectively (Kelly et al., 2017). 28% of them did not get any support, which resulted in stress while working.

From the findings, the study concluded that actions taken after physical assault determines nurse's efficiency. Those that receive support from their colleagues move on with work while the rest experience fears and stress are altering their functioning. The study also noted that support would also be obtained from supervisors and third parties. Even though such parties did not offer a lot of support, it helped the nurses cope with challenges in dealing with mentally ill patients inwards. The study answers the question as it assesses reasons that would cause harm to psychiatric patients inwards. If the nurses get support after being assaulted, they execute their roles right, offering quality services that ensure safety. The research means that ensuring safety and avoiding harm for patients requires reliable social support to nurses assaulted while working.

Case-controlled Analysis of Patient-based Risk Factors for Assault in the Healthcare Workplace

Ilene A. Claudius and his team of researchers conducted a quantitative study 'case-controlled analysis of patient-based risk factors for assault in the healthcare workplace' in 2017. They were motivated by previous studies that reported violence against healthcare workers leading to both physical and psychological issues. They had the aim of identifying elements associated with assailants, so to point out the patients likely to assault care providers. The design used was analyzing the assault cases reported in a particular hospital between 2011 and 2013. Some of the areas assessed were past social and medical history, and issues presented, ED diagnosis, use of rugs, and frequency in visiting the facility, among others.

It was found that patients that had assaulted workers showed sure...

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Paper Example on Learning from Aggression Management Training Course: Heckemann et al. (2016). (2023, May 03). Retrieved from

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