LeBlanc et al. (1999), on their article, conducted a series of studies to examine the preference of music listening. The focus of the study was to investigate the preferences of music listening based on three variables; age, country, and gender. 2,042 participants from Greece, the United States, and Korea were involved in the study (LeBlanc et al., 1999). Listeners ranged from 8 to 18 years. However, listening preference was not evenly distributed in all countries, but the overall representation for age wad better as compared to age in every country. Moreover, the listening test was based on 18 items of music in which rock and traditional jazz were used as examples. In the study, every variable was tested two to three times before predicting music listening preference. A questionnaire was used to collect data and the resulted were assessed using reliability on music listening preference from each group. At the same time, the researchers computed the results using the ANOVA method to see the relationship between age, country, and gender on music listening preference in each country. Based on the calculations, the listener’s age, country, and age determined a person’s music listening preference. The mean and standard deviation for each group was calculated, which helped to determine the effectiveness of the study. Culture in the US, Korea, and Greece is different, therefore, music listening preference in North America, for instance, cannot apply to other countries. However, gender and age were confirmed to be at many times similar.
Gender and Music: Can We Hear A Difference Between Female and Male Composers and Performers?
The article by Edvenson (2017), investigates the history of men and women in the performance and composition of classical music. The author’s concern was to investigate various roles that men and women play in the music industry. To complete the study, Edvenson (2017), conducted a survey, which was important in the identification of the hypothesis. Several participants were involved in the study and they were asked to listen to classical music that was presented to them and identify the gender of the performer and composer. The study was based on two characteristics; masculine and feminine. Further, Edvenson (2017), participants were categorized based on gender, amount of music experience, and age. Participants reported that masculine and feminine characteristics are used to portray different characters in music. However, as composers turned to modernism, they got rid of feminine characters forcing women to have their occupational voice to let their gender continue shining. Based on the history of music performance and composition, women are considered champions. Right from the renaissance period, women composed and performed music to please and entertain men. In the 17th and 18th centuries, women could enter the opera scenes as performers because of their voice. They even received music education and during the 19th century, women were able to join music schools to perform as pianists, harpists, and singers. During the 20th century, women were only allowed to take the role of music teaching; the exclusion of women from music performance led to the formation of women symphony orchestras. The survey conducted demonstrated that women have a longstanding force in music composition and performance as men. Participants could not identify the gender of the performer or composer, but there is a pattern, which can help to identify the characteristics that are composed of women.
A Survey of Musical Taste about Age and Musical Training
Geringer and McManus (1979), investigates two variables; musical taste and attitude and how they are linked to music education. However, the authors point out that there are other variables, which have been investigated from the 1930s and proved that musical preference is associated with training. In the survey, Geringer and McManus (1979) highlighted that students with at least 3 years of high school education owned more music recordings as compared to those that did not attend any music class. At the same time, the preference for music recording augmented with age and training. For example, fifth-graders were more advanced than the sixth graders the same thing to the high school, college sophomores, and more. However, the main study was done between trained secondary school students and untrained college. 398 participants from two college communities in Texas have involved in the study as well as 116 participants from high school who were enrolled in music performance classes. A survey was administrated by a regular music teacher. Results indicated that the untrained college students indicated a preference for various music for reasons such as favorites and prestige value; they did not answer the survey questions with knowledge. In the same parallel, trained high school students counted several recordings they owned with value as well as taste. For this reason, it seems that training is associated with increase music preference for composers as well as greater homogeneity of preference.
Moral Distinction: Religion, Musical Taste, and the Moral Cultural Consumer
This article was authored by Aarons (2018). The key idea sketched in the article is the significance of religious identity and practice on music taste preference. Cultural consumption influences the music taste preference of people from one cultural group to the other. Sociological studies indicate that is framed through social competence with a legitimate culture and the hierarchical social structure. In the study, three variables were used; age, gender, and race. The study focused on stratification perspectives in that cultural consumption and taste in collaboration with music were considered. Religion influences cultural expression and for this reason, artistic genres implicate religious organizations in their musical genres. A questionnaire was administered to participants in various cultures through a mail-out and return. Most participants asserted that cultural consumption and musical taste emphasize on factors beyond class. For this reason, many religious groups place a symbolical boundary for the production of music. Religious groups conduct a moral evaluation using musical practices and tastes and key indicators. They do this to increase symbolic boundaries to maintain a moral order in music taste and preferences. Religion has a direct impact on music taste and preference, for instance, rock music, religion maintained an influence on social background. However, there was a less denominational impact in the protestant/catholic denomination. At the same time, popular music could listen during leisure by well churched protestant women. Religion has a vital role to play in understanding identity and preference of music taste. At many times, religion impacts the characteristics and personality of people making them avoid music genres of greater or lesser quantities.
The Importance of Music to Adolescents
North et al. (2000), aims to investigate the significance of music to English adolescents. It explores how they listen and perform music. In England, music is considered an important tool that changes the way adolescents think, act, feel, to mention but a few (North et al., 2000). Music helps to define the relationship of children in school providing new opportunities, which connect children in both school and the outside world. To validate the study, the authors collected a sample of 2,465 adolescents between ages 13 and 14 who attended school in the North Staffordshire. They used a questionnaire to investigate children who had previously participate in music activities. Moreover, the authors wanted to rate the importance of music relative to the activities the adolescents has participated based on their age and sex. Results indicated that more than half of the participants had previously listened to music while others had performed pop and classical music. From the gratification approach, teachers understand that involvement of adolescent’s students in music is helpful because it improves the way they utilize their talents. Similar, music reduces the incident of delinquent behaviors among adolescents hence facilitating in identity development and peer group affiliation. In the same parallel, 50 percent of participants indicated that involved in music activities augmented their popularity as well as peer status. Music actually helps to relieve adolescent boredom ad worries. The degree of involvement in musical activities contributes to peer relationship improvement. Teaching of music introduces children to many types of music-making and response resulting to more of music listening and performing, which occurs outside the school vicinity.
Aarons, H. (2018). Moral Distinction: Religion, musical taste, and moral cultural consumer. Journal of Consumer Culture, 1469540518787584.
Edvenson, A. (2017). Gender and music: can we hear a difference between female and male composers and performers?.
Geringer, J. M., & McManus, D. (1979, October). A survey of musical taste about age and musical training. In College Music Symposium (Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 69-76). College Music Society.
LeBlanc, A., Jin, Y. C., Stamou, L., & McCrary, J. (1999). Effect of age, country, and gender on music listening preferences. Bulletin of the council for Research in Music Education, 72-76.
North, A. C., Hargreaves, D. J., & O'Neill, S. A. (2000). The importance of music to adolescents. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 70(2), 255-272.
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