Michael Illegally Takes Possession: Crime or Misstep?

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  590 Words
Date:  2023-07-24

Yes, Michael indeed committed a criminal offense by illegally taking possession of the property belonging to AutoNation Ford. The right route to follow after he had claimed to get his wages and failed to obtain them would be to take the company to court to enforce any actions by law. The law has explicit provisions for such disputes and would have provided the right solution through a fair verdict. By grabbing some of the electronic parts which were valued in excess of $500, he has invited more trouble to himself since this is classified as theft.

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Theft is generally regarded as the intentional removal or taking possession or control of property which belongs to someone else without their consent or consideration. The property which Michael has unlawfully taken away is classified as tangible property since it is movable. Since Michael decided to drive away with the property and hold onto it until the wages are paid, he has illegally taken possession of the equipment which belongs to AutoNation Ford. Michael will, therefore, be liable to charges in court as per the type of property which he has illegally taken possession of and the value of the property, which is over $500.

If the mechanics had forcibly kicked Michael off the property, the mechanics would be guilty of battery and assault. However, they would have a valid defense in their favor if they used reasonable force since it would have been a necessary action to protect the property belonging to AutoNation Ford (BEST, 2015). By being ordered to leave the premises, Michael is illegally staying on the premises since he does not follow the order. The mechanics were ordered to remove him since Bill, the general manager, saw Michael as a threat to their property.

Scenario 3- Intellectual Property

The actions of Professor Cody are potential violations in relation to intellectual property rights. Since the articles were copied without seeking the consent of the rightful owner and the images used were not in the public domain and were used without permission, this violates the rights of the owners, and the IP protected material. As a result, copying these articles and using other people's protected images without seeking permission from the rightful owners will result in severe consequences for the professor.

Intellectual property covers all the violations that come with it, such as original works belonging to someone else. The United Nations proposes laws that can be implemented to ensure that IP rights are enforced globally. Included under the intellectual property are rights associated with the artistic, performance of performing artists, literary production activities, scientific works, trademarks, scientific discoveries as well as research and development activities. ICopyrightal property is categorized into two groups. The first group is Industrial Property, and it includes trademarks, industrial designs, and patents. The second group is Copyright, and it comprises of works of art, music, computer programs or software and literature.

There are various possible violations in relation to intellectual property rights. Violation of these rights leads to copyrigCopyrightces as per the law and type of property that is violated. Under the intellectual property law, there are four fundamental types and possible violations that involve copyright, patent, trademark, and trade secret. Copyright is linked to original literary and artistic authorship works. The patent includes process, the machine, and manufacturing inventions. Trademark relates to commercial symbols and trade secret covers the commercially valuable and confidential information pertaining to the business.


BEST, W. (2015). Principles of The Law of Evidence. Forgotten Books.

Price, D., & Bodkin, C. (2017). Intellectual Property. Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia

Pty Limited.

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Michael Illegally Takes Possession: Crime or Misstep?. (2023, Jul 24). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/michael-illegally-takes-possession-crime-or-misstep

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