Leadership and Goals - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  617 Words
Date:  2022-12-14


Leadership qualities and styles in a person are shaped from the different institutions and interaction from society. I acknowledge my family for they have developed my ethics and leadership skills. I have been grateful to opportunities and leadership with improvement and attaining progress remains the precedence in life (Daniell and Hamilton, 2013). Family groomed me through education and taught me of the importance of education which was instilled to me by the community and family members. They emphasized that education was the means to a better and prosperous future. This gave me the determination to get away from dysfunctional life and focus on education and became a better and responsible individual later (Daniell and Hamilton, 2013). My value and focus on learning have taken me through different experience and with the guidance from my mother aspirations has helped keep the focus. Responsible leadership in me is as a result of teachings from the community and family member. I have developed to a leader who has facilitated change within organizations.

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The focused personality and work ethic have contributed success in leadership responsibilities. Personal attribution to hardworking family members who have to work hard to grow has prioritized work responsibilities which I believe will help in the progress of my leadership skills. My goal is to put forth the best of myself, and everything is out of thoughts and fulfillment to family expectations. The leader and leadership skills I possess now have been influenced by the different experiences including personal experiences and family guidance (Schein, 2010).

Cultural intelligence is essential in molding an individual leadership style. Being brought up in a culture where you have to adhere to set norms and beliefs. Building trust and excellent interpersonal communication has propelled and improved my leadership styles. I have been able to adapt accordingly to several approaches and strategies, management of human resource and different personality has been easy for I have been taught to respect every individual's belief (Schein, 2010). My flexibility and blending have enabled the embracement of diverse cultures as a leader and respect to these cultures. Understanding and respect the values of other cultures has shaped my leadership skills and gained respect from different cultures. Culture has enabled and improved my understanding of diverse personalities, management and respect improving my urge inefficient and adaptable leadership style (Schein, 2010). Interaction and identification with different culture have allowed learning and performance improvement. The upbringing and the way of life have dramatically influenced my leadership styles in tackling diverse problems and interaction with different people improving the working environment.

The operating environment getting exposed influences my leadership style. Continuous operation and interaction to different values have made me care for those values and their management (Amzat, 2019). This value in organizations has become part of my personality for it defines my services. I have also learned to adapt and depend on exposed resources; the used resources have greatly influenced leadership styles and management. Leadership styles have also been affected by the tasks that have been allocated to me. I have improved in my approaches to different duties and responsibilities (Amzat, 2019). Technology has dramatically impacted my leadership styles for I have to adjust my organization skills. It has allowed me to be innovative and making work easier for I can operate and lead even when away from the operation site. Adoption and interaction with technology have also enabled for research and improved the leadership styles making them more effective and efficient.


Daniell, M., & Hamilton, S. (2013). Family legacy and leadership: Preserving true family wealth in challenging times. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.

In Amzat, I. H. (2019). Predictive models for school leadership and practices. Hershey PA

Schein, E. H. (2010). Organizational culture and leadership. San Francisco, Calif: Jossey-Bass.

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