God Sends Raphael to Warn Adam and Eve of Satan's Evil Intent - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  691 Words
Date:  2023-03-14


Upon realizing satan's evil intentions towards Adam and Eve, I sent Raphael to warn them about the danger ahead. After my son, Jesus threw Satan and his followers out of Heaven; I heard them plot their revenge against me. After Jesus threw Satan out, he stated, "I saw Stan fall like lightning from heaven" (Luke 10:18) Satan and his colleagues aimed at deceiving Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.

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After Satan's betrayal, I felt the urge to establish a new world. After Jesus threw satan out, I didn't have time to ponder about his betrayal since I needed to find new angels to replace Satan's position in the worship team. Despite Satan's deception, our heavenly affairs had to continue running normally. In my new world, Satan would not have the opportunity to undermine any of my creations. Although building a new world also ensures that satan feels defeated, it would also erase the painful memory of satan's rebellion.

Learning from my mistakes, I built the new world differently from what existed before. My new race would only enter Heaven once they prove their worthiness and loyalty towards me. Before my new race can enter Heaven, they will have to live on earth and in accordance to my divine will. However, one day, I will join Heaven and earth together, and people faithful to me will enter and rejoice in Heaven. I have always wanted to be acknowledged and glorified for my efforts in creating a new world. To achieve this goal, I had to allow Raphael to narrate to Adam the events that led to and occurred during the creation of the modern world.

The first step I undertook in creating the new world was building earth for my latest creation. My new race would dwell on the earth, where they will abide by my laws for them to go through the gates of Heaven. I sent my son to create the universe from the chaos it previously was. I sent my son to create world by stating VII,163-173'" And thou mu word be forgotten Son, by thee This I perform: speak thou, and it be done: My overshadowing Spirit and Might with thee I send along: ride forth and bid the Deep Within appointed bounds be Heaven and earth. " I will always be proud of the work my son did in creating the new world. Not only did he give earth light and darkness, but he also managed to separate land from water. We also created vegetation both on the land and in the sea.

After six days of working through Jesus, I was able to create my new world just as I had imagined it to be. To ensure that earth and Heaven are separated until the new creation proves its worthiness, I instructed Jesus to use a chain and hang the globe just below Heaven. Since my son and I rested on the seventh day after creating the universe and everything in it, I instructed my new creation to also relax on the seventh day of every week. I declared the seventh day of the week to be a holy day in which my creation would use to praise and worship me.

On the last day of creating the new world, my son and I made the creme de la cream of the modern world, Mankind. I created man from dust and made him into our own image. According to (Hebrews 2:14), "Since the children, as he calls them are people of flesh and blood, Jesus himself, he came to like them and shared their human nature." Unlike the rest of my creation, he was special; he would rule over the earth and take of it. To give him a companion to help him multiply and fill the earth, I created Eve from Adam's rib. Being protective of my creation, I prevented them from experiencing sin and death by instructing them not to eat the fruits from the tree of knowledge. After Satan betrayed, I choose to move forward and create a new world full of goodness.

Works Cited

Hebrews 2:14

Luke 10: 18

Milton, John. Paradise Lost.

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God Sends Raphael to Warn Adam and Eve of Satan's Evil Intent - Essay Sample. (2023, Mar 14). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/god-sends-raphael-to-warn-adam-and-eve-of-satans-evil-intent-essay-sample

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