The issue of justice has always been the topic of discussion over the decades. People have always tried to point out the social injustice that happens in their immediate environment. For a person to be able to address the act of injustice, it is important that they understand what justice is. In my view, most of us understand justice from two perspectives first on the view of morality and second on the view of emotion. When it comes to the issue of justice, I feel that people would term something as just as long as it fits their personal needs however justice should be based on the term of personal motives. This essay shows that Justice is a combination of several social aspects working together in harmony for the realization society common good.
Justice is a matter of fitting person to their virtues and excellence to their appropriate role. Virtues are acquired by only practicing. This, therefore, rule out the fact that a virtue can be passed from one person to another trough up bring in the family or trough learning them in a book. This is based on the thoughts of Aristotle that virtue can only be acquired through practice hence learning by doing. Virtue, therefore, makes the core of politics. Politics is where the true virtues learned by an individual is portrayed and therefore singling out and honoring the people with the relevant virtues which include civic excellence and intelligence. Thus if a politician fails to perform in office, it is because they were unable to practice the necessary attributes that are required to serve the citizens in the capacity of that office. The things that we get ourselves to do in most cases is for the honor. People usually get involved in different activities so that they can be recognized as part of a specific great thing.
Teleological eradicate and rights is also a topic of discussion in the video. According to Aristotle We first have to figure out the purpose or the end of the social practicing question in order to obtain justice. This, therefore, shows that the purpose of everything will determine the rules that are applied. This rules, therefore, are to improve and enhance the outcome of the result. The more the rule, the easier it is to maintain the purpose of a particular thing. The purpose of politics, therefore, is to realize good life. Thus participating in politics helps the people understand their full nature, and this happens when a person deliberate with others about good and evil, just and unjust in a society.
Justice constitution and rights should not be based on the good or purposes of political life but should provide frames work of life that should allow people to choose what fits them. To be free should mean to be independent of any particular law and tradition that may be handed down by a group of people. Freedom, therefore, should be given to people by allowing them to choose what they should do outside what they view as there true nature. People should thus not be forced to conform to any standards that have been formulated by the people in authority or by the society.
One particular area that was interesting is the view of Aristotle on Slavery. For anything to be declared as just two principles, have to be met, first is the principle of necessity and second, it has to be naturally occurring. According to Aristotle If there is to be a group of citizens who are free to disparate about politics they have to be others group of citizens who have to get engaged with the minimal choose and the hard tasks. Therefore slaves do the hard task for their masters to have enough time to disparate on the political and legislative matter. Thus slavery was or is still a necessary activity in any society.
The second view that they are people who slavery is fit and justice to them. In Aristotle view they are people who are cut out to be ruled and become slaves, this is because they differed from the ordinary people hence there nature is best realized when they are slaves. In his view just as they are a particular group of people who are born naturally to lead they are those who nature has equipped them to be slaves. It is therefore unjust if people are forced to become slaves because they were captured in wars. By making people, slaves who are not meant to be slaves is, therefore, a societal misfit and an act of injustice According to him. Therefore, coaction to become something that you have not been naturally meant to be is a social injustice.
After watching this video, I have realized that justice is just not a matter of what is morally good and wrong, but it's about what is beneficial to a group of people or an individual. Justice is not only based on an action but also on the natural nature of things and people. Purpose and virtue are also an important aspect when it comes to determining what is just in a society and understanding this factors changed my view on what social justice is.
Works cited
Harvard University. "Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do? Episode 10: "THE GOOD CITIZEN"2009
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