Essay Sample on Importance of the PC Officers

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  900 Words
Date:  2022-11-21


Political correctness has at the moment attracted much attention as a topic which has brought much controversy in the country. Therefore, much needs to be done with the exception of a choice involving doing away with the whole ideology. The concept was initially developed with the aim of doing away with language as well as behavior that tends to suggest discriminatory behavior. Taking the example of the comic ways used by politicians as well as comedians to criticize the work and functions of the PC police rather than recognizing their contributions to the communities within the borders. Just like the rest of the authorities, the PC police have been commissioned to ensure law and order within the citizens of the various communities. There is always of the question of the essence when it comes to debates surrounding the importance of PC police. However, there have been reports which claim that the PC police are 'fake/plastic' officers and which have been made in a biased way. Political correctness has brought forth several important changes in the society but has been overlooked by many thus developing the high tendency of condemnation towards the concept. It is, however, important to understand that though there are many critics towards the PC officers, there are relatively equal contributions that the unit has made towards the development of the society. Much of the contributions have also been overlooked by the majority including the creation of characters in movies and stand up comedies which represent this condemnation. There are reasons which need to be highlighted and focused upon and that show the importance of the pc officers as seen in the discussion.

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In the present times, PC is among the contributors to the social changes that are being experienced. This is by fact that PC has changed the manner in which people view others thus making the nation a better place to live among many people. In addition, PC has brought forth cohesion among the nation that is inhabited by people of different genders, races as well as ethnicity. The legalization of gay marriages and the change in social perception of gays in the community is closely related to PC where there is the freedom to marry whoever on wishes ("Why We Need The PC Police"). The previous situation in the country where it was not acceptable mainly as a result of the religious holdings is currently melting down with people being offered the opportunity to speak out their thoughts publically with the exception of any discriminative language involved. The PC police have played part in ensuring that the nation is at a better position where people can freely live without feeling discriminated or undermined by the rest of society. It is funny how the stand-up comedians are pounced upon with the blame of not recognizing the presence of PC while scriptwriters of films which showcase discriminatory acts are not blamed. There is o big difference between the two scenarios as both are characters played by individuals for entertainment purposes ("Why We Need The PC Police"). The only difference is the physical presence of the stand-up comedians which is a chance taken by people to act upon.

There is much impact that has been set upon the media with the incorporation of the concept in writing as well as reporting. Popular media in the country has ensured that there is the use of alternative words in the replacement of words which seem to be discriminative. As a result, the media has been unable to unlock actual news for the fear of being accused of attacking a particular group in the country. As much as public correctness is interest in providing non-discriminative ideas, there is the negative aspect of the whole idea such as allowing the wrong in the society to spread without exposure. This comes along with the social characteristics of the different groups that are present in the country. Over the years, there have been many misconceptions especially in relation to the treatment of people from a particular group ("Why We Need The PC Police"). In most cases, the crucifixion of a member in the social class for certain legal accusations sets the whole social class on fire as they feel that the whole community has been offended. It is important to understand that individual choices and actions are supposed to be followed by individual consequences. The shedding of this light works in relation to the media where 'real' news will be retrieved from society. Following the above argument, then it is more than enough to explain that the PC police are supposed to be given a chance in the society where they can be able to handle cases involving political correctness thus allowing the law to take it hand.

According to the above discussion, it is clear that the PC police have an administrative obligation to monitor the social systems incorporated among the various communities in the country. As much as claims have been made to get rid of the unit, there is still the necessity of the pc police as seen from the arguments raised in the discussion. If there is the correct intent of using political correctness, then there is the possibility of maintaining a disciplined culture among a community occupied by diversified people.

Works Cited

"Why We Need The PC Police". HuffPost, 2019,

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