Essay Sample on Forming Coalitions: Increasing Political Power and Influence

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  604 Words
Date:  2023-02-12


Political parties have much desire to start ruling or maintain their rule in a country. This desire compels them to work on having more power and influence to the people. The parties, therefore, resolve in making coalitions. Distinct parties or states form a short-term alliance with the aim of joint action (Bolton & Brosig-Koch, 2012). The coalitions aim at increasing power, stretching resources, and growing influence. Coalitions gain more impact on the people than how the lone parties would do. In making coalitions parties should consider the best methods of coalition-building, strategies of coalitions that work best and how effective coalitions are in gaining influence.

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In building the best and effective coalition that will quickly gain influence, the parties require cooperation and participation of each member (Bolton & Brosig-koch, 2012). The parties should agree not to compete and decide not to go for the same seats or choose to support each other's legislation through voting. The parties can decide to join forces in name and declare the support of one agenda. Parties in the coalition should also share resources and work together. Teamwork among the parties is essential, and it builds trust among the coalition supporters. Combining resources helps to defeat other individual parties hence establishing power. The stronger the bond becomes within the members of the coalition, the more comfortable they gain power and influence on the public.

The best coalitions have strategies. The strategies are used to gain dominance in a particular area and hence boost their influence. The first strategy is a combination of efforts. The parties achieve things they could not achieve if they worked separately. Secondly, coalitions broaden the base of support. As the parties join to form a coalition, their supporters also unite hence expanding the supporting base (Bolton & Brosig-koch, 2012). Through the alliances, new skills are shared. Partners learn from the experiences of each other and acquire useful and competitive skills. Coalitions have the advantage of increased numbers. A high number portrays greater strength in the alliance. Diversity is provided by different parties that unite. Diversity broadens a coalition's appeal to the public as the majority of people will feel represented in the coalition (Marsh, 2017). Sharing of resources is another strategy that helps to solve deficiencies. An appropriate combination of the strategies is key for a coalition's success.

Various factors should be considered to create an effective coalition. The parties that form a coalition should have close or similar aims and objectives (Marsh, 2017). Aiming at the same target helps the team to be more focused and reduces disagreements within the coalition. The parties should also have diversified influence and strengths so that uniting will generate a more powerful team. In decision making, all the parties should be involved in a negotiation and derive a suggestion that is favorable to each member. Parties should also have an equal resource contribution to avoid overdependence or parasitism by a member.


In conclusion, making a coalition is an appropriate strategy by political parties to gain power and influence. The parties need to have strategic plans, proper organization, embrace teamwork, and focus on achieving the main objective. Appropriate methods should be used to make the coalitions like checking on each other's aims and objectives, strengths, resources, and diversity. Similar to any relationship, trust is an essential element in making an effective coalition.


Bolton, G. E., & Brosig-koch, J. (2012). How do coalitions get built? Evidence from an extensive form coalition game with and without communication. International Journal of Game Theory, 41(3), 623-649. doi:

Marsh, D. (2017). Coalition Building. Concrete Products, 120(8), 28-30, 32. Retrieved from https://docview/1933118820?accountid=45049.

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Essay Sample on Forming Coalitions: Increasing Political Power and Influence. (2023, Feb 12). Retrieved from

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