Essay Sample on Economy of Violence

Paper Type:  Argumentative essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  615 Words
Date:  2022-07-21


The economy of violence is a theory that was advanced by Machiavelli as a way of discussing politics and the economy. Machiavelli states that the power is the dominant mark that defines a State). A politician, on the other hand, is the dominant player in politics and he/she should be skilful and sometimes pretend to be a success in the political game. The mass needs to see a politician as a person with faith, religion, humanity and good faith if they need to trust him/her. The author refers to these phenomenal as the economy of violence. Although he does not advocate for violence and criminal activities, he believes that there is a need for a leader to take tough measures if he/she wants to have control of the population.

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The use of violence is sometimes a necessary option when in a leadership position and if one needs to control a situation that is political in nature.

Secondly, the author proposes the use of violence should be used like science. "Being able to administer the precise dosage appropriate to a specific situation" (Machiavelli, Marriott, & Celenza, 2018). According to the author, different government systems can act as a recipe for violence. The people in power need to instil fear in the masses and keep them under control. However, he states that the republican system of government is the most ideal when it comes to using violence. The economy of violence according to the philosopher have been in use for generations in different countries. The leaders who do not have tools that can enable them to use violence appropriately loose. Those who are also too lenient on their subjects may also find it hard to rein for a long time because of the uprisings in the country.

In the ancient times, the highest values were moderation and the rule of reason. The use of passion and emotions was frowned upon and people were expected to tame these emotions and think with clear minds. However, according to Machiavelli Christianity has failed after 1500 of its trial. The path to attaining good and freedom is through the liberation of t emotion and having the ability to tame our animal instincts to react (Machiavelli, Marriott, & Celenza, 2018). The author suggests that leaders should be able to use scientific manipulation to achieve these goals. Machiavelli does not believe that the ideal put forward by religion are attainable. He refers to these ideas as dissolution. The need for a just society and a country that lives in harmony depends on the leader and the way the followers view their policies.

The author claims several ways about the use of violence. If violence is used in a manner that is moderated he asserts that there is a high possibility of controlling a population. However, the use of violence should not be used in a sinister way or as a means of hurting people. People in leadership positions should use the tools that they have to bring positive results to the community. The fear of the authorities should be used in conjunction with respect to public figures. There is an essential need to use scientific data and methods to control people and ensure they respect the people in power. The use of violent force is, however, dangerous because it can raise decent in the country. A leader "must acquire the power to be not good and understand when to use it and not to use it" (Machiavelli, Marriott, & Celenza, 2018). People ought to be careful in the way that they use violence to attain maximum results.


Machiavelli, N., Marriott, W. K., & Celenza, C. S. (2018). The prince. London: Oxford University Press.

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