Essay Sample on Brain Lateralization: Divided-But-United Brain Processes

Paper Type:  Research paper
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  868 Words
Date:  2023-02-12


Brain lateralization is a tendency where the neural or the cognitive process tends to specializes to one side of the brain. The brain has two divisions, the left, and the right hemisphere, but these two divisions are not distinctively separate. Each of the two hemispheres inclined to specialize in different tasks. The brains division of labor between the right and the left hemisphere is to allow for dealing with more complex activities. Both hemispheres of the brain tend to be involved in the processing of certain tasks, and so in a situation where one side of the brain has damaged the functioning of the other hemisphere will also be affected. This paper explains brain lateralization and how it has been misunderstood as a myth by the majority as being left brain or right brain side.

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The body's left hemisphere has control of the body's left half while the right side hemisphere controls the body's right side. There have been some arguments that just like as the people has a hand that dominates the other so as the brain. Brain lateralization has been over sated, for instance, research has revealed that women can use both the brain hemisphere more equally as compared to men.

Majority of the neuroscientist takes the characteristics of the left brain and the right brain as a myth. In lateralization, the left and the right hemisphere exhibits different functions, but they both communicate with one another through physical connections. A good example of lateralization is the language, for the larger majority of people, specifically for the right-handed individuals their language function is on the left side of the brain

The recent studies have demonstrated that both hemispheres of the brain are used equally. This shows their physical and functional connections. The regions of the brain vary depending on their functions, for example, the region that functions as memory tends to vary depending on which hemisphere of the brain dominates the other. Regardless of the which brain hemisphere of a person is dominant with age, they do not exhibit variation in their physical appearance.

There are no theories that have tried to explain the numerous complexities on how the brain functions. For instance the language functionality, emotional, and the nonverbal functionality in the right hemisphere of the brain. The zones responsible for language function are in most cases on the dominant sideways of the brain.

The psychologist described how the left side of the brain functions as, the ability of a person to pay attention to instructions or details, ability to interpret sounds and attach meaning to them. The left hemisphere is also thought to have a paramount control of analytical thinking, such as the mathematical solving skills for a person, problem-solving ability. The right hemisphere of the brain is thought to give the children the ability to understand various concepts of more and those of less, but the ability to understand the exact number values is attributed to the right hemisphere (Gunturkun, & 2017). The right hemisphere also governs the ability of a person to pay attention, the processing of the overall shapes of what they see, understanding the ambiguity of verbal cues.

Findings have revealed that the majority of the right-hand men are outperformed the left-handed women in responsibilities assessing their verbal fluency. The right hemisphere functionality in the language function must be the distinctive reasons for the reason for the differences. Meaning that the organization the brain of the left-handed male gender is similar to that of the female gender, concerning their language functionality. This idea was based on the claim that women exhibit a lower degree in language lateralization as compare to the male gender. With the use of other methods such as the observations, it failed to depict any sex difference in individuals, with the consideration of the linguistic function of the brain.

In spite of the differences that have been suggested, there is very little evidence found that supports the superiority of the right-handed individual over the left-handed one in terms of their cognitive skills. Their cognitive styles and not their cognitive skills are the most regarded differences between the two individuals (Francks, 2015). In one way or the other, the approaches taken by the left-handed individuals and the right-handed seems to be varied, for example, there is an inclination to relate the right side of the brain with vision.


To conclude, the disability of an individual to read and talk might be more predominant in those that do not have the cerebral asymmetry. Moreover, irrespective of the intellectual deficit among individual, maybe due to the lack of either left or right dominance, there no major obvious difference between the individuals who either have their left side or the right side of their brain dominant. In one way or the other, the approaches taken by the left-handed individuals and the right-handed seems to be varied, for example, there is an inclination to relate the right side of the brain with vision.


Francks, C. (2015). Exploring human brain lateralization with molecular genetics and genomics. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1359, 1-13.

Gunturkun, O., & Ocklenburg, S. (2017). Ontogenesis of lateralization. Neuron, 94(2), 249-263.

Popovic, K. (2015). MGT 353 Creativity and Innovation, Sections 1 and 2.

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Essay Sample on Brain Lateralization: Divided-But-United Brain Processes. (2023, Feb 12). Retrieved from

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