Essay Sample on Benefits of a Bachelor's Degree in Finance: Career & Personal Growth

Paper Type:  Personal statement
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  582 Words
Date:  2023-03-26

Undertaking studies in fiance can prepare an individual not only for their careers in the financial sectors but also for different tasks in everyday life. Achieving a bachelor's degree in finance, for instance, can prepare a person to work in government and corporate financial management, financial planning, and banking. Apart from developing career and being suitable in making financial decisions on behalf of the organization, financial experts are also able to make better personal decisions when it comes to planning, studying and analysis of different circumstances. Acquiring more knowledge on fiance, such as studying to the Master level, may bolter financial fundamentals. In addition to improving and individual chances of being hired in different organizations and businesses, a master of science in finance can enable one hone their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills to enable them to make sound financial decisions.

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As an individual who wants to work as a public administrator, I believe that having a master in fiance will increase my analytical skills in planning and analysis of different financial activities within an organization. Having s career in public administration often requires investing more on the financial knowledge to ensure smooth financial activities within an organization (Coispeau 26). Also, one of my main objectives is to become a financial expert, an individual who can preside over the financial activities both for an organization and at the individual level. Pursuing a master degree in finance will, therefore, boost my skills through encouraging speciality in a specific area (Coispeau 27). In my line of specialization, I intend to apply analytics to systematically evaluate the performance of assets, products, and operations teams to help companies maintain a healthy path to profitability and continuously optimize business operations. Undertaking a master in finance will, therefore, provide the necessary skills that involve the quantitative analysis of the financial activities both at a personal level and at the organizational level.

Majoring in finance may enable an individual to work as a general and operations manager, budget analysts, financial manager and credit analyst. As a public administrator, understanding the financial concepts is essential as it may lead to the active and elaborate organization of financial activities within an organization. Undertaking masters in finance will boost my skills and experience; a scenario that will enable me to become an effective financial analyst. In addition to my career in public administration, I also intend to become a financial advisor and loan officer. These positions require deep knowledge in finance which can be achieved through engaging in the master's programs.

Taking a master degree in finance may enhance the knowledge in the budgeting processes. In every institution, formulating a budget is the first step towards effective financial management. The budget presentation refers to the report of the budget that is to be used by the local government or any other entity for a given duration and for the allocation of the finances, which can then be divided into all the operational requirements of a company or an organization. A budget is an approximation of expenses and revenues over a given time, and it is often compiled and re-assessed periodically. As an administrator, it is always necessary to directly engage in the budgeting process and this requires an understanding of every concept that is employed. Therefore, the master of finance program fits or suits my career objective of becoming, a financial advisor, public administrator and financial analyst.

Work Cited

Coispeau, Olivier. Finance Masters: A Brief History of International Financial Centers in the Last Millennium. , 2017. Print.

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Essay Sample on Benefits of a Bachelor's Degree in Finance: Career & Personal Growth. (2023, Mar 26). Retrieved from

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