Essay on Network Redundancy & Load Balancing: Improved Performance

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  529 Words
Date:  2023-04-18


Network load- balancing is successfully balancing traffic across more links such that there is network redundancy provided. In case of a WAN link outage, then access to the network becomes still available through the secondary rings. Due to the load sharing firewall, there are a lot of improvements in the performance of the system. It is accounted for by the load that is balanced among firewalls, and also the protocols that are required to distribute the traffic evenly are generally present in all the routers involved.

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The reliability of the network is something noticeable after the load-sharing setup. It is because the connections are designed in a way that they cannot experience failover functions. Additionally, the technicians can successfully perform maintenance without necessarily disrupting total network traffic in other firewalls

Hardwares and Software Programs that Perform Packet Filtering

In packet filtering, one can either use a hardware firewall or a software firewall. Software firewalls such as operating systems like windows possess instinctive efficiencies that do packet filtering at the serval software. Personal firewalls such as Sygate and ZoneAlarm firewalls help a lot in packet filtering since they use methods that are not complicated.

Examples of hardware firewalls are routers that are known to be the most common in basic packet filtering. Firewall appliances configured to the network is a good hardware firewall that receives software and hardware mechanisms in a single package.

Strategy Recommendation on Data- sharing

To ensure secure data sharing through file transfer protocol secure (FTPS), I would do it by setting up a virtual private network (VPN) by either using public wires, usually the internet between the two organizations. The aim will be to ensure that the data being shared is safe by providing the connection between the two organizations is encrypted end to end since VPN will make use of tunneling protocol to encrypt data during sending and decrypt it at the receiving end. However, I would ensure there are remote-access VPN capabilities through transport layer security (TSL/SSL). The tunnel points will be authenticated before the safe VPN tunnels are established either by the use of passwords or two-factor authentications.

Firewall- specific Strategy to Increase Security Profile

To strengthen the security profile of the institution about simple mail transfer protocol (SMPT), I would consider using an application-level firewall. The main reason for selecting this type of firewall is because it uses a sequence of configured policies to decide whether to block or allow communications. Additionally, the application-level firewall is known to be the most secure firewall because it uses one application-level, such as the kernel, whereby the process forwards every session each internal user makes on the public network.

Another reason I would go for the application-level firewall is that it can provide secure logging of in and out traffic. By doing this, the firewall can easily detect fake logins and immediately cause failed break-ins such that the hacker is unable to login. It will immediately notify the user of the attempted logging and will take necessary measures. Additionally, the application is the same as packet filtering such that it has a filtering channel and thus able to detect and block any vulnerabilities.

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Essay on Network Redundancy & Load Balancing: Improved Performance. (2023, Apr 18). Retrieved from

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