Essay on Andrew Falce Explores What Defines a Superpower Nation

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  446 Words
Date:  2023-07-18


Andrew Falce efficiently explored diverse phenomena that define a superpower nation. He ascertains that a superpower nation can sufficiently support itself and enjoy a high level of autonomy. Rather than depending on other countries for socio-economic, military, or political superpower nations independently promote its self-development. Moreover, while the World War I and World War II established a viable platform that dictated the resources of superpower nation such as stable GDP and high investment in military equipment, the United States of America emerged a superpower after the fall of the Soviet Union in the Bipolar system in the post-WWII. Although the United States currently dominate the world in terms of extensive investments in military and international relations, the European Union significantly has massive influence among the predominant western countries. The author correctly points out the insignificance of military expenditure that America has focused on. As a superpower, the EU has gained global control by influencing the world's economic trends and direction. For instance, today, commercial relation increases with the impact of globalization. With many economists depending on Europe for support, it gives EU immense influence not only over the economic patterns but also the social and political trends. Therefore, as a self-sufficient and influential nation, the EU fits in the modern superpower quotient.

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Reaction to Maria Beltran Article

EU's justice and home affairs policy ensures freedom, justice and security within respective member states. The policy covers issues concerning asylum, immigration, terrorism and internal crime while warranting cooperation between the police and the judicial department. Maria Beltran correctly establishes that EU is at the forefront in ensuring international protection of asylum seekers considering Europe has been one of the central host countries to the North Africans, Russians and Middle Easterners escaping from natural disasters, war and persecution in their respective nations. While most governments have been reluctant to receiving and taking care of the refugees who seek asylum within their borders, their reluctance leaves refugees with no habitats after what they once called their homes are destroyed by natural disasters or become inhabitable due to internal wars and persecution. Therefore, they deserve the care and compassion in the respective nations they flee to when escaping the danger in their respective home countries. EU's strategy to develop a Common European Asylum System (CEAS) was a bold and constructive initiative that would give appropriate status to the refugees while eliminating the increased refugee crises experienced in its member countries. Most countries have been reinstating its border controls to prevent the entry of refugees, which deters their escape from their hostile nations. The EU has the responsibility to protect refugees from cruelty and foster their security within the member states.

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Essay on Andrew Falce Explores What Defines a Superpower Nation. (2023, Jul 18). Retrieved from

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