Essay Example on Parents: Experiencing Miscarriage

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  299 Words
Date:  2023-02-09

In the process of parenting, a couple can sometimes experience miscarriage, which can be very stressful to a couple. It is a sad moment for a couple that experiences this situation, and that is why most parents do not want to talk about this sad affair. The process of parenting is dynamic, and it comes with a different experience. Parenting comes with happiness, sadness, loneliness, but it brings satisfaction. It is essential for parents to understand the dynamics and skills that come with the process of parenting because it can be very confusing to the young couple.

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A couple needs to understand the parenting process and changes that come with having a child. Today, people need to undergo parenting classes because when a couple has a child, they can have a different change that can be good and sometimes confusing. A young couple should seek advice from experienced parents so that they can learn skills that are crucial to provide the best parenting to their children (Griscom & Volkman, 2010). This will help to reduce pressure and stress that comes with having a newborn.

The most important thing is, to be honest, and candid so that a couple can have an enjoyable experience and bring up the children positively. In summary, the talk has provided many enjoyable and educative lesson of parenting and changes that a couple will experience when they have a child. These lessons are crucial for a young couple and can help parents to cope with the changes that come during this stage. The good thing to note is that parenting can bring happiness if done properly.


Griscom, R. & Volkman, A. (2010). Let's talk parenting taboos. Retrieved from

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Essay Example on Parents: Experiencing Miscarriage. (2023, Feb 09). Retrieved from

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