Essay Example on Christian's Biblical Worldview: Purpose, Influence, Interaction

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  597 Words
Date:  2023-09-11

A Christian, should have the ability to interacts with people of diverse opinions, express their beliefs, influence the world, and even institute changes, basing their arguments on biblical perspectives. This essay, describes the biblical world view, its effects on believers pursuing their purpose, and how a believer can interact with people of different cultures.

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A biblical world view can be defined as the beliefs and a framework of codes that guides, how a believer relates to the world. It refers to the constant viewing of the world through biblical teachings. The biblical worldview framework is founded on the belief that God is the sole creator of heaven and earth, as indicated in Genesis, creation stories(Locklair,2016). The framework is developed by the punishment, that the parents of all human race, are given for disobeying God in the Garden of Eden and the plan of God to bring salvation to mankind. Every believer considers obedience to the laws of God, in every interaction with the world, hence beliefs. A liberty college student would strongly express the biblical worldview, outside the classroom, by constantly being conscious of their actions and the behavior they exhibit towards others. They should know God's plan to redeem mankind, and especially through the death and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. They express their biblical worldview, by showing Christ-like qualities such as kindness, humility, and honesty, during their college experience.

Having faith in Jesus Christ changes the lifestyle of an individual and their purpose in life. As a Christian, my purpose in life is to live a life that is pleasing to God and attain the ultimate salvation, which is eternal life in heaven. My goals in school are attaining the best grades, joining an institution of higher learning, and eventually starting a family. Being a believer in Christ is making my goals easier to achieve. I obey the school authority and keep time. This gives me the peace of mind I need when studying. The bible stops me from engaging in habits such as drug abuse, fornication, and fighting. These habits affect marriages in the modern world. Having a Christian worldview shapes my pursuit of education, because, the bible instructs the believers to be the agents that spread the gospel. I need to study to my level best so that I can have enough knowledge that can help during the mission of spreading the gospel of salvation.

Culture is a way of life of a people. In the modern world, there are people with different customs and beliefs. Failure to understand these cultural beliefs has led to chaos and arguments in society. As a believer of Christ, I understand that we are all created in the image and the likeness of God, and that, every individual deserves to be respected and treated with equality. Peace and love, allow me to blend with people of a different culture. The biblical lens enables people to live in harmony with each other. Love makes Christians spread the good news of the kingdom of God in all tribes of the world.


In conclusion, a biblical worldview is a tool that enables believers to interact with the world. It is founded on the biblical creation story and God's plan to redeem mankind. A believer expresses the biblical faith in the world by showing love to every individual. The biblical worldview enables individuals to fulfill their purpose on earth, and interact with people of diverse cultures peacefully.


Locklair, G. (2016). Intelligent Computers in a Christian Worldview. Lutheran Mission Matters, 359.

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Essay Example on Christian's Biblical Worldview: Purpose, Influence, Interaction. (2023, Sep 11). Retrieved from

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