Effective Communication: A Necessity in Life - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  470 Words
Date:  2023-05-02


Communication is the universal procedure in which one individual, group, or organization exchanges ideas, opinions, or views with another. Communication is vital in our life from School or in the workplace. We always make use of communication, but it is crucial while conveying our messages to be attentive and effective to ensure that we do not make wrong interpretations of other's messages, ideas, or opinions. There are different means of communication, but for this discussion, I will focus on two, the verbal and written forms of communication

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While it is essential to use both the written and the spoken ways of conveying information, it is vital to understand what they are (Thompson, 2018). The written form of communication is described as the communicating of information through the use of letters, memos, reports, etc. on the contrary, verbal communication is the passing of information through word of mouth. Written communication is vital since it creates a permanent record of proposals, ideas, incidents, or facts. These records can be accessed quickly and used for future references. Also, Written communication offers for easier distribution and can reach a wide variety of individuals (Thompson, 2018). For instance, an individual can use letters to send a message to numerous people in an organization in the classroom or a close relative in another country. On the contrary verbal communication is useful when seeking immediate feedback, gives room for clarification as well as saves on time.

I think each type of communication is essential and is dependent on different situations. Different situations call for a written form of communication, and other cases call for verbal communication (Thompson, 2018). For instance, oral communication would be most appropriate if the message is urgent. On the contrary, the written type of communication would be most applicable when information or message is needed in the future.

We can effectively enhance our communication while at home by communicating more with our siblings, friends, and parent through the sharing of our daily activities while at school at work. While at school, we can enhance our communication skills through writing our course work, essays as well as speaking during the assembly, and this way, we can improve both our written and oral communication skills. And at work we can draft memos as well as presentations and improve on verbal communication we can give presentations.

To improve on the hearing skills, one can repeat the words said by others or as throbbing questions to make sure that what was heard was actually what was said. It can have negative consequences if what was said was not was heard in the business setting, causing the businesses to lose a lot of money in profits, and at school, the student could fail their exams.


Thompson, N. (2018). Effective communication: A guide for the people professions. Macmillan International Higher Education.

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Effective Communication: A Necessity in Life - Essay Sample. (2023, May 02). Retrieved from https://proessays.net/essays/effective-communication-a-necessity-in-life-essay-sample

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