The GMOs termed as the genetically modified organisms are either animals or plants with transformed genetic makeup in the laboratory by transgenic technology or even genetic engineering. The result is the emergence of entirely different organisms that could have been difficult to develop using the natural way of crossbreeding. (Cifuentes, 2013) The GMOs are accompanied with some pros as well as cons. Some of the benefits of adoption of GMO approach are as follows: The profits tend to escalate, the organisms developed through the engineering alteration of genes be it plants or animals are of high quality. Plants produce high quantity and quality in comparison with the other plants. When the produce is sold in the market, the profits are deliberately high thus the benefits are high. The animals as a result of the alteration in the genetic make-up, for example, the cow produces a lot of milk and other significant products hence the profits increases sporadically contrary to the traditional cows.
The breakthrough of GMO engineering approach was at around 1973; there was the creation of the first genetically engineered organism. The government officials, the scientists, and the media began to worry on the prospect complication on the health of humans as well as the earth's ecosystem. The conference was held in 1975 to propose whether the engineering process was to be discarded or allow for the continuation. It was finally concurred upon to make it advance and soar to the greater heights.
The method is economically efficient since the organisms especially the crops are resistant to pests and diseases. The money that could have preferably been used to purchase the pesticides is used in other farm investments thus saving on the unnecessary expenditures. It is also vital to note that the approach decreases food prices. Lower costs, as well as the advanced crops, lead to cheaper food hence the families who are not in a position to gather for food efficiently affords thus hunger case is lessened. It also adds to the nutritional value to crops. The method can add the nutritional value to crops that lack the relevant minerals and nutrients. Some of the countries in the cosmos use corn or even rice as their staple food. The plant genes are added to the crops to increase the nutritional value. It automatically helps all the malnourished and vulnerable groups that would instead adversely suffer from diseases as a result of lack of nutrients live healthy lives (Sheets, 2018).
From the research, it has been found that the products are safe for human consumption. The precise evaluation, as well as testing of GMOs crops and other valuable products, are more reliable than the traditionally produce. The adoption of the method is environmentally friendly. Flora and fauna resulting do not require chemicals for any treatment thus mitigating the emission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. It is also known to occur in the decrease in global warming, as a result of the production of more plants alongside with animals, the oxygen levels correspondingly increase while the proportion of carbon (IV) oxide lessens.
The regulation of GMO method is advantageous especially in the rural setting because of the following: The allergic reactions, the genetically modified food tends to pose allergic problems to the residents. The research shows that the genetic modifications add or mixes the protein that did not exist naturally in flora and fauna. It then causes allergic reactions in the body of an individual. The range of food consumed by a person reduces as a result of the allergic reactions. The control is also crucial since the GMOs are not 100% safe to the environment. Although its known that they are environmentally friendly, they contain different types of substances that have not been proven scientifically. The control is valid since the GMO method results in lower level of biodiversity. Some organisms in the ecosystem are at the verge of being harmed; some pests may be entirely removed which is a valuable source of food in the food web; thus the benefiting plants or animals can end up in extinction. The GMOs tends to decrease the antibiotic efficacy. It is because they are endowed with the antibiotic features making them resistant to viruses and other causative agents of certain diseases. (Falck-Zepeda et al.2013) When ingested, the antibiotic makers are known to persist in the human body rendering the antibiotic medications ineffective.
The control is also aligned at curtailing the unusual taste that has been raised by the people. The genetically modified products have a unique flavor that may not be pleasant to everyone. It may be as a result of substances that were added during the genetic transformation process.
Some of the countries in the world have been known to regulate the adoption and use of the GMO method in agricultural practices. Most of the states are known to altogether ban the application of the GMO method in the agrarian sector while others are just partially regulating its use. Although the yields are incredibly high, the effect is transmitted like a wave to the future generation. Most of the people perceive that the use of GMO approach has led to decrease in the use of herbicides, but the fact is that it has significantly lead to the increase in the use of herbicides and pesticides. (Qaim, 2016) The herbicides applied on the crops remain in large residues and can be ingested thus damaging the human body and lessening the immunity. The Monsanto's roundup chemical that was used is firmly attached to several defects such as the Alzheimer's disease, breast cancer, the autism, the cancer of the brain, chronic kidney diseases as well as the liver diseases. Alzheimer's disease is the primary cause of cognitive loss of memory with the failure to perceive, recognize and respond to the actual continuity in the real world. The defect tends, and so far there is no any known cure for it. The chemical also affected the fetal development and growth through alteration of vitamin A pathway signals. The compound is also known to induce breast cell cancers through the estrogen receptors. Kidney failure is also a proven sickness resulting from the GMO applied herbicides. The mortality rates had increased indirectly as a result of the GMO approach.
Some of the countries have banned the use of GMO because it slowly alters the original biodiversity. It can affect the state economically especially for wildlife-dependent nations contributing as the chief foreign economic earner. When the general environment in the future is altered, the state is rendered non-profitable thus diminishing economically. The GMO method is also known to lead to the release of toxic substances into the soil. There are soil bacteria known to exhibit the ability to kill insects and pests through the production of specific protein toxins. The gene is carefully inserted into the corn thus endowing it with resistant qualities. The toxins can enter the soil killing the prospect bacteria necessary for the growth of plants.
Some of the countries are still using the GMO approach despite having a lot of disadvantages. The federal government is employing the use of management principles in ensuring that the regulation of GMO is structurally adhered to by the relevant sectors in agriculture. The division of work is even within the government management departments. Both professional, as well as personal developments, are the key contributors to the division of labor. Various departments' specializes in different fields of perfection to ensure that the final goal of regulating the use of GMOs is the country is achieved at the right time. The government has the authority and total responsibility of summoning orders to all the relevant agencies practicing in the use of GMO to instantly stop the practice or else the penalties are applied.
The principle of discipline is significant when applied in the management sector. It is a core value in the definition of vision or mission in the form of ethicality in the government. Those who are practicing the use of GMO method should receive orders from the government thus biasness, and any misleading information cannot easily occur. The government as a unit of decentralization is responsible for the decision-making process whereby it gives preferably gives orders to stop the practice of GMO methods. The government equally punishes those who are secretly using the GMO approach either by fining or even imprisonment. The teamwork is another crucial principle in management stressing (Sciences et al.2016). It translates to the strategic collaboration. The government sector should work in harmony with the producers of GMO products so that significant regulations are correctly and carefully done to attain the specified goals. The stability of tender is another critical principle in the management. For better control of the use of GMO in the country, the government should define the scope of operation with the producers. There should also be the submission of the individual interest to general interest. It is done by the producers who follow the guidelines and interest of the government.
Statistically, a country like Argentina started using the GMO method from 1996. It planted 370,000 ha of soybean with the ability to tolerate glyphosate. The early idea of adoption of the use of GM crops was tied to the Argentine profile in production and were majorly the technological regulations beginning from the inception and after the evolution in pursuit of serving the needs of the farmers. In overall terms, the control translates to reasonable alert level based on the expectations of the public and the competitive authority mandate. (Tutelyan, 2014) The assessment of the risk is based on the scientific approaches. The dimension of the regulations entails the activities responsible for the application of the modern method of biotechnology. The aim of the law is majorly to make sure that the incorporation of that the GM crop produces on the agro-ecosystem is not different from the product of non-GM rival. Argentina makes some regulations on the release of GM animals and plants. The adoption of GM technology in Argentina is as a result of the combinations of several encounters. In the first place, it is possible to pinpoint four key issues: factors relating to the economy, the farmers were keen enough to adopt the constant innovations and hurriedly able to realize its accompanying advantages, there was also the political support from the agricultural officials and lastly the initial implementation of the effective regulations. In line with the economic factors, the preferably high prices of the agriculture commodities powered for a push to seeds as well as the producers of grains. The adoption of soya crops resistant to diseases simplified the related operations and curtailed the use of toxic chemicals in the field. The regulations were important since it made an assurance to the administration on the modern technology that all was done ethically and in a chronological manner (Smyth, 2014).
The United States known as the global superpower embraces the control of GMOs under the division of three regulatory agencies namely the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the US Department of Agriculture (UDA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The regulations are made from three different perspectives under the respective agencies. The EPA is embodying the full authority and responsibility in controlling the use of biopesticides. It is driven under the act known as the federal insecticides, fungicide and rodenticides (FIFO) (Watson et al.2016)....
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Different Regulations of GMOs in Different Countries. (2022, Mar 10). Retrieved from
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