Cooperating for Mutual Benefit: The Benefits of Reciprocity-Cooperation - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  4
Wordcount:  898 Words
Date:  2023-02-24


Generally, from the evolutionary point of view, I think cooperating with others can lead to an excellent yield that finally enhances the survival chances of a company. Therefore, this success can only get realized through reciprocity and cultural aspect in a given organization. These two conditions motivate us to cooperate to achieve the quality result in the organization. I think that reciprocity-cooperation is achievable under the perception that all of us will get some benefits in return which is more important than our aspiration to conform to the norms of the group on deciding on whether to cooperate or not. I believe that reciprocity has more influence on most individuals to work than the conformity. This aspect is considered to be very significant in advancing the understanding theory on the source of human cooperation. According to the experiments done, when the is a conflict to compensate or award back cooperative partner's behavior or maybe conform to the group's behavior, individuals are more likely to cooperate with the partner than fall in line with the group.

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The best subsistence strategy for economic cooperation includes pastoralists as well as horticulture subsistence strategies. Accordingly, the pastoralist strategy involves the domestication of animals as a source of food. The pastoralist subsistence strategy tends to be a small group due to the lack of reasonable food to sustain many people. However, it realized that the pastoralist strategy enhances individual growth. On the other hand, horticulture subsistence strategy involves the cultivation of crops for personal use. The plan does not require a broad approach to cultivate or produce goods. Hence, it ensures the growth of adequate food to help in sustaining life within a particular group.

According to chapter 6, Mixed Economic System means a mixture of both capitalisms as well as socialism. Typically, this particular system helps in protecting private property and ensures well-leveled economic freedom concerning the use of capital. Additionally, the mixed financial system also allows for various governments to engage or interfere in the activities of the economy to realize social objectives. In respect to the neoclassical theory, mixed economic systems are considered to be less resourceful than the pure free-market system of economics (McKinnon & Ronald). However, promoters of the interventions of the government argue that the primary conditions needed to ensure efficiency in the free markets, like the same information as well as the rational market participants, which cannot get realized in practical application.

In the modern world, most economies have two or more economical systems, with some of the savings rely at the given time along a particular scale upon on. It indicates that both public and private sectors; however, may compete for the same resources which regarded as limited in number. Additionally, this particular system of the economy do not obstruct various private sectors from seeking or enjoying the profit but will help in regulating businesses as well as may nationalize those industries that help in providing public goods. For instance, the USA has a mixed economic system of economy, since it leaves the ownership of the production means in mostly under the control of the private sectors. However, it helps in incorporating various elements like agricultural subsidies, manufacturing regulations, and full ownership of some given industries, such as the delivery of letters as well as national defense.

The United States is believed to have adopted a mixed economic system since both governments, as well as private sectors, play a very significant position. The United States being a free business system of economy, it emphasizes on the private sectors. Usually, most of the private enterprises help in producing a large number of goods as well as services, whereby three-quarters of the country's total output goes to the people for personal consumption, while the remaining third-get purchased by both government and enterprises (Viswanathan et al., 540). At this particular point, the role of consumers is considered to be very significant. The aspect of private ownership that exists in the United States of America continues to increase due to the belief of personal freedom which exists in the country.

In the mixed economic systems, people can generally help in controlling the economy not only through the consumer's choices but also via the voting process as the Americans cast their votes to elect competent leaders who can shape the policies of the American economy. Though the mixed economy, Americans have raised concerns over the safety of products, various threats posed in the environment, and possible risks of health on people. Consequently, the American government has positively responded by creating multiple agencies in ensuring the adequate protection of consumers' interests as well as promotes the welfare of the general public and society at large. In addition to that, through the mixed economic system, the American economy has also changed over a long period. For example, both populations, as well as the labor force, has changed dramatically from the rural areas to the cities, from service to industries, and form fields to factories. This aspect, therefore, has led to economic development through the creation of employment opportunities to various individuals, hence leading to the improved living standards of Americans.

Work Cited

McKinnon, Ronald I. Money, and capital in economic development. Brookings Institution Press, 2010. DOI: 10.2307/3601530

Viswanathan, Madhu, and Jose Antonio Rosa. "Understanding subsistence marketplaces: Toward sustainable consumption and commerce for a better world." Journal of Business Research 63.6 (2010): 535-537.

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Cooperating for Mutual Benefit: The Benefits of Reciprocity-Cooperation - Essay Sample. (2023, Feb 24). Retrieved from

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