Brain: The Control Center of Our Lives - Essay Sample

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  2
Wordcount:  515 Words
Date:  2023-08-28


The brain is used for planning activities and controlling it. Our minds control our daily decisions. It comprises of parts that help in the day-to-day decision making. The brain stem is the innermost part of the brain used to control all the primary functions of life. These functions include breathing, response to the motor, and attention. The brain stem connects with the medullar, which is the area of the brain that control heart rates and breathing. The Thalamus is an egg-shaped structure that is above the brain stem. Its functions are involved in processing and behavior. The cerebellum contains two wrinkled ovals behind the cerebrum stem. It is utilized to arrange intentional development. Individuals who have harmed cerebrum have trouble in their conduct of waling, keeping their parity, and holding their hands consistent.

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In social psychology, a wide range of decisions entirely depends on a variety of ethical considerations. Morals allude to the right standards of lead vital while doing an exploration. It is our ethical duty to shield members from hurt.

There exists a conflict between researchers and participants. The social environment is critical for any research to take place. It should be noted that if there is a conflict between researchers and the participants, then the interest of the subjects should be considered first.

Psychology counseling focuses on how people function personally and how they relate to people of all ages. It focuses on the social, ethical, emotional, work, school, and health of individuals and families. In psychology, people are taught how to deal with clients. We are advised that we look for warning signs when our client's anger changes. For example, we can notice a change in behavior of a talkative person who goes silent suddenly, and we should consider checking with the client if everything is okay. We are also taught to understand our client’s anger so that we deal with them effectively.

It is an ethical obligation for all psychologists to undertake a 0professional course on guidance and counseling to handle patients professionally. Psychological development is a continuous process that should be studied continuously. Professional development is very crucial in the overall development of a human being. Counseling therapies offer this kind of service. The majority of people are suffering from mental health. Like a typical disease, they should visit professional centers to get counseling on how to deal with their daily mental health issues.

Counseling theories center on how individuals' reasoning can change sentiments and conduct. A portion of the advising speculations incorporates the subjective hypothesis, which centers on how individuals' thinking shift attitudes and practices. Behavioral theory is the second theory, which is based on the beliefs that behavior is learned. Therefore people need to take time to discover their behaviors. Thirdly we have psychoanalysis theory, which believes that there are unconscious forces that drive behavior. There is the Humanistic approach theory, which aims at helping clients achieve their highest potential. Humanistic speculations incorporate (customer-focused, gestalt, and existential treatments. In conclusion, we have integrative medicine, which includes coordinating different thoughts of guiding and organizing them.

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Brain: The Control Center of Our Lives - Essay Sample. (2023, Aug 28). Retrieved from

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