Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society? Essay Example

Paper Type:  Essay
Pages:  3
Wordcount:  590 Words
Date:  2022-06-27

Social networking can be defined as the use of online websites such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn for various reasons such as entertainment or learning purposes (BBC 1). The current society has dwelled so much on the use of social networking especially for the reasons of finding new friends and developing new and healthy relationships. Users can create their profiles that comprise biographical information as well as personal photos and opinions on different research questions. Therefore, social networking sites are good for our society because there are many beneficial reasons as to why people use them.

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Use of social networking sites is associated with many benefits. Some of these include the ability of an individual to find a platform through which they can air their opinions on various topics. For instance, one can quickly post on their Facebook page an issue which is open for discussion, and this encourages interactions between friends (PR Newswire Association 2). It allows one to easily express themselves and show off what they think is right and wrong. Additionally, many people use the social networking sites to post their pictures through which people can comment and air their views. This issue raises the self-esteem of an individual especially when they receive positive comments about themselves.

Also, the use of social networking sites allows the society to be open to everyone. For example, one can quickly learn all the activities that are taking place within a person's life by merely visiting their page. This act enables people to open up to others and even allow others to admire their life. It provides encouragement as well as motivation to all the people who respect a person's way of living (BBC 3). Social networking sites also offer a person's personal information such as phone number or email address and this makes it easier for people to connect with each other physically.

Social networking sites also offer a great deal of entertainment. For instance, when an individual is feeling low or stressed, they can easily access these social networking sites, and they can be assured to feel better because of the great deal of entertainment that is availed at all times. Also, one is free to post about their sad feelings, and they can get all sorts of motivational ideas as well as advice on how to deal with their issues and remain better (PR Newswire Association 4). It ensures that one can deal with or manage their stress in a significant way especially through entertainment and the positive feedback one obtains from friends.

Lastly, the use of social networking sites ensures a faster means of spreading specific information than any other media. It is, therefore, an essential medium because whenever someone is interested in posting critical information, they can quickly spread the message on social media platforms. It ensures that data is spread faster in a way that many people can access (BBC 5). For example, if a company is in need of new employees, it can quickly spread this information on social networking sites, and within no time it will obtain positive feedback.


In conclusion, the use of social networking sites is essential and good for our society and therefore it should be encouraged across all platforms. It is because of its many benefits which range from faster means of communication, entertainment as well a better place for family and friends to reconnect.

Works Cited

BBC. "The Positives and Negatives of using Social Networking Sites." BBC. 2013.

PR Newswire Association. "Are Social Networking Sites Good for our Society?" PR Newswire Association. 2018.

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Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society? Essay Example. (2022, Jun 27). Retrieved from

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