
Music History Paper Topics for Students

Music History Paper Topics for Students

Published by on April 13, 2021

Music is an essential part of the lives of millions of people. Some individuals listen to their favorite tunes just for pleasure, while others turned the hobbies related to music into their jobs. Nevertheless, music paper topics remain one of the most common college assignments. How to pick up the most winning research topics about music? Our experts are ready to give you all the answers to the most controversial and disputable questions about this type of academic paper. 

Top Hints on How to Come Up With the Topics About Music

Many learners are facing issues and challenges when searching for the most brilliant topics for music research papers. Before you have an opportunity to find out the most easy-to-write topics, it might be good to explore the basic rules for choosing the subject for your academic paper. 

Take Your Interests Into Account 

The secret hint for composing a top-notch and readable essay, as well as selecting one of the music research papers topics is to follow your personal preferences. What does it mean? The fact is that learners are not likely to succeed in writing on issues they have zero interest in. For example, if you are not fond of listening to jazz, choosing jazz research paper topics to complete your assignment might lead to failure. The entire writing process will appear much easier if you follow your musical preferences. This way, you will feel more motivation and inspiration when completing your college or university assignment. 

Think About the Audience 

Not only you are choosing a research topic on music to compose a perfect paper, but also to impress the readers. Make sure to find a healthy balance between your interests and the preferences of the audience. If you have a completely different vision of the music, composers, and genres, it is necessary to find a compromise that will suit both parties. 

Add More Emotional Patterns 

You might discuss a particular question for hours. However, to support the interest of the readers, it is always good to add some bright explanations, emotional descriptions, and visualization write-ups. Try to appeal to the imagination of the readers to make them engaged when reading or listening to your story. Of course, it might be complicated to add emotional patterns when composing a paper on one of the music history paper topics, but it is still worth trying. 

Avoid Complicated Terms 

Most professors believe that music history topics, as well as questions related to famous composers and performers, should be covered simply and understandably. Double-check whether your essay is not too specific. Furthermore, it should be comprehensive for most readers. It is better to avoid adding obscure facts and concepts. The level of your writing should coincide with the educational level of your audience. 

Choosing a Common Solution Is a No-No 

One of the most frequent mistakes of thousands of learners is picking up a too common topic. Of course, it might be difficult to find out-of-the-box material for the history of music essay. However, it is still possible to find something interesting and sapid even for this type of assignment. The intriguing or controversial topic will help you stand out from the crowd of similar papers and might lead to receiving better grades. 

Have a Limit 

You shouldn’t come up with a too broad subject for your paper. Set up particular limits for effective and productive writing. For example, if you are creating a paper about the world-known composers, it is good to choose no more than 3-4 bright personalities to write about. In case you select one of the music history research paper topics, stick to some time limits (write about the development of music for a particular period of time). It is also possible to select a particular genre or technique to write about. 

Top Ideas for Writing a Music History Paper 

Some learners prefer choosing one of the essay subjects offered by the professor. However, you can be a bit more creative and come up with your own solution. Here is a list of the topics that might fit your needs:

  • The history of jazz music
  • Famous composers of the 18th century
  • The development of music in the 19th century
  • Musical styles in the United States
  • Top trends in music from 1931 to 1945
  • Rock and roll as one of the most rapidly developing music styles
  • The role of women in the music history
  • The influence of music on people’s mind in the 20th century
  • Musical traditions of the civilizations 
  • The role of music during the Civil War
  • How did the music tendencies change in the past century
  • The development of pop music and its impact on people
  • The role of rock in the history of music
  • The history of hip-hop
  • Top stages of the development of metal music
  • The popularity of blues in the past 
  • Folk music: best trends 
  • The development of classical music
  • The role of Mozart in the history of music
  • The impact of Johann Sebastian Bach on music
  • Famous Russian composers of the 19th century
  • The role of radio in the popularization of music
  • Musical instruments of Ancient times
  • Music theory: the origins and basic concepts
  • European music styles in the modern culture


Picking up a winning topic for your essay writing might not be easy. Feel free to grab one of the ideas offered by professional writers to impress the audience with an exciting and up-to-date academic paper.